Shower (mature)

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It had been a long week and Bradley and I decided to hang out at my place for our Friday night since we were both exhausted and not in the mood for a party. I'd loved hanging out with Bradley, he was my best friend and I really loved him, but it had gotten weird between us since we both broke up with our partners. Of course, there was that undeniable tension between us but none of us dared to take the next step, since I didn't want to ruin our friendship and I assumed he didn't want to either.

So we stayed in this awkward moment between 'being friends' and 'being a lot more than friends'.

I had just gotten under the shower while he was in the kitchen, heating up some left over pasta from the night before. I closed my eyes and simply stood under the running water, enjoying the way it felt against my skin and managed to relax my tense muscles.

When I was done I reached out to grab my towel and dried myself off, getting out of the shower eventually. I frowned when I noticed that the clothes I had brought weren't there. Maybe I had forgotten them outside?

"Bradley! Where are my clothes? Did I forget them in the bedroom?" I yelled, wrapping the towel around my body to cover up.

I heard Bradley chuckle from outside. "Maybe someone stole them?" He suggested and I could hear the smirk on his lips too well. I knew what he was doing, he wanted to play and I usually won whatever games he started to play with me.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. Guess I'll have to come out naked then." I teased and it took him a second to answer.

"Maybe you do have to do that." He said.

I could've walked out of the bathroom in my towel, but that would've been no fun so I let the towel drop to the floor and walked out of the bathroom butt ass naked. Bradley had seen almost anything anyway, but when he looked up at me it seemed like the first time I took off my shirt for him during filming for A Star is Born. The air around us was thick and even though it was the middle of November the room was burning hot.

I gave him a smirk and walked towards my closet, to pull out some clothes to put on. I felt Bradley's eyes burn on my skin and when I slipped a shirt over my head, I felt Bradley getting closer to me. I slowly turned my head to the side and looked at him over my shoulder. His body was almost touching mine and I turned back towards the closet.

When I felt his hand touch the curve of my lower back, right above my ass, I stopped moving. I gasped and left my mouth open, my hand grabbing the closet when his hand slipped under the shirt and between my thighs. Two of his fingers slipped into me, making me moan at the anticipated feeling. His other hand snaked around my body to hold me still while he fingered me, slowly pulling in and out of me. "Bradley..." I moaned, now grabbing the closets shelf with both hands, my fingertips digging into the wood of it.

I had definitely not seen that coming. It was so sudden and I wondered if he had it planned.

Bradley pulled his hand away from me and I slowly turned around. He dipped down to kiss me and I buried my hands inside of his hair, pulling on it. All of our frustration was basically flowing out of us through this kiss. His hand immediately came between us again to rub my pussy, his fingers still wet from fingering me. "You're so wet for me." He mumbled against my lips and entered a finger into me again, fingering me fast, while rubbing my clit with his thumb.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, whimpering at the pleasure he caused me. My hands pressed against his chest, my fingers running down it, towards his pants.

"Fuck, yes." He chuckled. "Are you sure?" He stilled inside of me and I groaned.

"If you don't keep moving I'll murder you, so yes." I said, unbuttoning his his pants and pulling them down his legs alongside his briefs. I immediately grabbed his large, erect penis and began stroking it in my hand, teasing his tip with my thumb.

"Damn." He mumbled and kissed me again, his tongue roaming my mouth while we pleased each other with our hands.

I bit my lip and got down on my knees in front of him. I licked my lips at the sight of him, innocently batted my lashes at him and finally licked over his tip while looking up at him. Bradley brushed some hair out of my face and grabbed a fistful of it, groaning. "Suck my dick, baby."

I opened my mouth and let him guide my head. His hips bucked forward and when his tip hit the back of my throat it made me gag, but I recovered quickly and continued sucking his dick. I twirled my tongue around him, my hand stroking the part I couldn't fit into my mouth. Bradley pushed my hand away and I moaned when he grabbed my hair harder, his hand tugging and pulling on it to guide me. His dick repeatedly hit the back of my throat, he was pushing himself in and out of my mouth at a fast pace and I gagged, tears welling up in my eyes at the reflex. He let me go again and I spit the cum on him, rubbing it in with my hand while biting my lip, watching his reaction. His pupils were dilated and looked almost black and his lips were opened slightly.

"Get up again, come on." He demanded and I let him help me up. He quickly grabbed my ass and gave it a hard slap, making me squeal, before he picked me up and gently laid me down on the bed. "Fuck, you're so beautiful. I love the way you look after you sucked my dick." He said before grabbing my knees and spreading my legs for him. He pulled my ass closer to the edge of the bed and licked his fingers before rubbing my pussy, gently running his fingers up and down, teasing my clit with his pointer finger, by rubbing it in circles.

I bit my lip and moved my hips a little, meeting his touch. He stopped for a second and simply admired me before kneeling down in front of me and grabbing my ass in his hands, squeezing it. "You're so wet, so fucking wet." He mumbled and ran his finger down my wet folds, entering me again, before finally attaching his mouth to me. I arched my back and ran my hand through his hair, moaning loudly.

Bradley licked from my entrance to my clit, sucked on it and then repeated the same process over and over again. I shivered at the feeling and propped myself up on my elbows to watch him. The pure sight of him disappearing between my thighs like that was enough to drive me over the edge and I felt my orgasm approach. "I'm close, fuck, you're so good at this." I moaned.

Bradley stopped eating me out and got up from the floor. He spread my legs wider and grabbed my kneecaps before he entered me roughly. I gasped and moaned when he started moving at a fast pace, his dick filling me and stretching me out completely. He bent down to leave kisses down my neck and I grabbed his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin, leaving red marks all over him. He picked up his pace even more and rammed into me, our skin colliding at every thrust. He moved one of his hands down to rub my clit while he fucked me, our harsh breaths and moans mixing with the sounds of my wet pussy and his body rocking into mine harshly.

"Fuck, oh my god! I'm so close I swear!" I moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist, making him push into me even further. "Shit!"

Bradley groaned and mercilessly slammed into me, leaving me breathless. His skin was covered in sweat and his hair clung to the back of his neck. "God, Stefani, you're incredible." He groaned and I let my eyes roll to the back of my head, my mouth opened wide as I came hard, my whole body shaking against his. He slowed down a bit and he managed to hit all the right spots, making my orgasm last longer than ever. I whined when he finally pulled out and bit down on my bottom lip. My skin was hot and I knew I looked flustered from coming so hard.

Bradley leaned down to kiss me and I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding when he pulled away again.

"I can't believe we waited so long to do this." Bradley said, kissing my neck.

I giggled and ran my hand down his back. "Me too."

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