Gummy Bears [2]

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"Time for bed!" I said, making Lea pout. "I'll sing you a lullaby but only if you get dressed into your pajamas now and brush your teeth!" I offered. I knew she loved it when I sang her to sleep so her face immediately lit up and she rushed into the bathroom.

A few weeks had passed since I met Bradley and Lea and I found myself babysitting her quite often lately. Bradley had to work double shifts because he wouldn't let me pay for his rent - stubborn fucker -and the least I could do for him was make sure his daughter was safe and happy. I loved the little girl. She was smart and a little sneaky when she needed to be. I loved having her around and she inspired me to become an even better person for little girls and boys like her. They deserved to feel safe and loved and it broke my heart to know that her own mother had abandoned her, but I was glad she had Bradley and now me. My mom was also head over heels for the blonde angel, but I wasn't surprised.

Bradley and I had gotten closer as well. After our little almost kiss that evening nothing had happened though. I didn't want to pressure him and he was working a lot anyway, so we didn't exactly have much time to flirt, but hell did we flirt when we had the time to.

When Lea rushed into the room, dressed in her pink Peppa Pig pajamas and hopped into bed I poked her nose with my finger. "Show me your teeth." I said and she gave me a wide grin, showing off her brushed teeth. "Good Job!" I applauded her and she laid down with a giggle. I pulled the sheets up to her neck and then softly and quietly began singing a new song I'd been working on to her. Her eyes shut and I soon saw her chest rise and fall at an even rhythm, letting me know she was asleep.

I smiled and brushed some hair out of her face before placing a kiss on her forehead and turning off the lights. I walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up a bit when I got a text from Bradley, letting me know he was on his way.

I continued to clean up until he sent me another text asking me to let him in. I buzzed the gate open and smiled when I heard him walk inside and shut the door. "Hey, thanks again for taking her. I know it was short notice and you're busy too." He shot me an apologetic look and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"When will you ever stop thanking me? I love having Lea here and I'll watch her again any time." I said.

Bradley smiled and hugged me. It took me a second to hug him back but when I did I felt my body relax against his. I breathed in his scent and pressed my cheek against his body, my hands resting on his muscular back. When we pulled away he brushed some hair out of my face and smiled down at me. "You're beautiful." He told me and I blushed, biting down on my bottom lip at the unexpected compliment. I never knew what to do when people complimented me because I didn't see what they did.

"You're not too bad yourself." I decided to joke around, a habit I had when I got nervous. He chuckled at my weak attempt of covering up the fact I was blushing.

"I mean it. You're not only beautiful but you're also a wonderful human being. You've been a better friend to me these past weeks than the people who've been with me for years. And Lea won't shut up about you either. She's absolutely in love with you and so am I." He admitted, making me smile wider.

"You're in love with me?" I asked, keeping my arms around his body. The confession was sudden but it made my heart flutter.

He nodded. "I'm sorry if it's too rushed or if you don't feel the same way." He quickly added.

I giggled and shook my head. "No. Its definitely not rushed. I like you a lot, Bradley. You're a great father and an amazing man." I said.

Bradley leaned down to kiss me and when he finally did I wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue made its way into my mouth and the kiss soon turned into a hot make out session. My back was pressed against the kitchen counter and my fingers were tangled in his hair.

"Daddy?" A small and tired voice croaked out behind Bradley and we quickly pulled away from the kiss. Lea was rubbing her almost shut eyes and stood in the door frame.

Bradley walked towards her and picked her up into his arms. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder before her eyes met mine. She then reached out her hands to grab me. "I want mommy." She said, grabbing my shoulders and both, Bradley and Is eyes widened at what she called me.

"What did you call her?" Bradley asked and Lea whined. I took her into my own arms and she cuddled into me.

"I said mommy. I want Stefi to be my mommy!" She whined again and I rubbed her back, calming her down.

I held back tears at her confession and smiled at Bradley, letting him know I was okay with it. He smiled as well and I rocked Lea back and forth until she fell back asleep in my arms. "Do you want to stay the night?" I asked.

Bradley nodded and we put Lea back down into bed before we shut the door behind her. "I have a guest bedroom but I wouldn't mind it if you'd want to sleep in my bed...with me." I said, blushing.

Bradley placed another soft kiss on my lips. "I'd love to."

When we were both in our pajamas I slipped into bed next to Bradley. He pulled me towards his body and I wrapped my arms around his torso, cuddling into him. We soon fell asleep inside of each other's arms and I dreamed about what life will be like with him and princess Lea in it.

This is the end of this short two chapter story! 💗 Little Lea is adorable! Do y'all also want kids one day?

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