please, don't leave me

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So, new guy won't have any more parts because y'all seemed to like it so much, I'm thinking about making it into a separate book? :) lemme know if y'all would want that!!

Stefani paced around her cold living room, rubbing her arms to give her some sort of warmth back. It was the middle of December and she had opened every single door and window she could to let in the freezing air from outside of her Malibu house, just so she could feel something.

The lights were off and the only source of light came from the moon outside that shone brightly that night; one of the many reasons she couldn't fall asleep in the first place. The chilling air made goosebumps form on her silky skin and blew the hair out of her face just to mess it up again seconds later, but it was a nice distraction from her thoughts; something she could focus on instead of the dull ache she constantly felt inside of her chest.

"Stefi?" Natali sighed, seeing her stood in the middle of the living room. It was almost five in the morning and even though seeing her up this late has become a steady routine in Natalie's life, she was still worried for her big sisters health. Going so many nights and days without any sleep surely couldn't be healthy and she honestly didn't know how long Stefani could keep going like this.

Stefani turned to look at her sisters tired face and smiled lightly. "Why are you awake?"

Natali raised an eyebrow. "I could ask you the same thing, Loops." She mumbled. "You can't do this for any longer. We're all worried about you." She explained.

Stefani rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. I just find sleep a waste of time lately. I have so many songs to write and play." She shrugged.

"We all know that this isn't about music. It's about Bradley." Natali crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Stefani visibly stiffened at the mention of his name and then shook her head. "It's not. I don't even think about him anymore. He chose her over me."

Natali sighed. "That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to hurt over it."

"I'm Lady Gaga, I could have anyone." She tried to fight back with an angry look on her face. "I don't hurt over fucking men who don't want me."

Now it was Natali's turn to roll her eyes. "You might be Lady Gaga, but you're also Stefani. You're a human being and it's time you get off of your high horse and realize that the only reason Bradley Cooper chose someone else over you is because you pushed him away for months to then jump into a fucking relationship with someone else. Also, Dan? Really? And now you both don't talk anymore because you keep lying to yourself and try to find love with some other men when you know that it'll never work." Natali groaned. "You love Bradley and that's never going to change. When he told you he loved you for the very first time what did you answer?" Natali glared at her.

Stefani rubbed at her temples. "I said oh." She groaned. "To my defense, I didn't know how to deal with my emotions at the time, okay? He caught me off guard."

"When will you realize that you don't have to have your guard up with Bradley?" Natali sighed. "I've never seen anyone look at you the way he does. No one does." She paused. "So you better stop moping around and tell him you love him too."

"Its been way too long, Natali. He moved on." She sighed.

"Bet?" She grinned.

"Why do you know something I don't?" Stefani asked.

"You just wait and see. Now go to bed before I drag you there." She warned.


"Leave me alone." Stefani groggily mumbled into the fabric of her soft pillow. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was turned away from the little rays of sunlight that peaked through the curtains of her room.

Bradley cleared his throat and the sound alone made her jump up in her bed. She quickly brushed any strands of hair out of her face that escaped the messy bun on top of her head and stared straight at the man in front of her. He was stood in the middle of the room and looked even more handsome than she remembered. He couldn't tear his eyes off of the blonde beauty in front of him. She looked glorious, even after waking up in the morning. Especially after waking up in the morning. The skin on her cheeks was tinted a pink shade and her lips were pouty and soft.

Stefani was a bit lost at the sight of Bradley in her room, inside of her house and swallowed the lump in her throat that had formed out of nervousness. "Bradley?" She asked, even though she'd recognize him anywhere at any given time. She could literally smell him whenever he entered the room.

"I didn't expect that call from Natali. She said you're sick and that I should come over immediately, so I brought some food and ice cream and-" he paused.

Stefani shook her head. "I'm not sick, Bradley." She smiled softly. "At least not physically."

"What do you mean?" He was quick to sit down on her bed when she patted the spot next to her.

She mustered his face intently. She'd missed being able to stare into his eyes that managed to make her feel so many emotions at once. "I love you too." She brought out before she quickly pressed her lips against his in a needy but soft kiss. She couldn't deal with the rejection that was about to come and didn't want him to speak ever again, if it meant that he'd tell her that he didn't feel the same way about her anymore.

That was the last thing on Bradley's mind though. He had longed to hear her say those words to him ever since he fell in love with her on set. When she rejected and pushed him away months prior, his heart was broken and he knew that he didn't have a chance of repairing it. No one would be able to mean as much to him as Stefani did. He wouldn't be able to love again after her.
It took him a second to realize what was happening but once he did their lips moved together as if they never even stopped in the first place. He gently cupped her face between his hands and when he pulled away he brushed some of her hair out of her face. "Stef-"

She shook her head and felt tears prick in her eyes. "No, please. Don't tell me you don't love me anymore because I know. I pushed you away for so long and you have every right to move on-"

Bradley interrupted her with another kiss and shook his head, his forehead tightly pressed against hers. "God, no. There is absolutely no world in which I could stop loving you. No chance." He breathed against her lips and kissed them again, over and over again, making her giggle.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him pull her on top of his lap. "I love you and I'm sorry I couldn't say it before when I should've." She sighed.

Bradley smiled. "We're here now. That's all that matters to me." His fingers wandered over the soft, exposed skin of her thighs.

Stefani fake gasped. "Bradley Cooper, are you trying to seduce me with my parents downstairs?"

He smirked. "Is it working?"

"No." She teased and got off of his lap. Her fingers laced with his and she pulled him off of her bed.

Bradley chuckled. "Fine." He sighed, joining her downstairs where they could finally be the family they were always supposed to be.

"About time!" Natali yelled, making everyone laugh.

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