New Guy 1/?

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In case you like this idea and want to read more of it, let me know please! This is a different genre I guess and I will write more for you if you want me to!!

Stefani's eyes lit up when she finally caught sight of the man everyone had constantly been talking about ever since word got around that someone new would be moving into the house next to hers.

She didn't know much about the tall and handsome man other than... well that was honestly just it. He was tall and handsome and he hadn't left his house ever since he'd moved in two days ago. The house had been empty for about four years and Stefani had little hope that anyone would even move in. Cape May wasn't exactly a place many people moved to, since there was little to nothing to see here besides the annual jazz festivals that took place. The architecture was beautiful and it had its own charm with its small population but people died here and no one new came. At least not until now.

Now Stefani smiled at her new neighbor and gave him a little wave from where she was standing on her front porch which wasn't much more than 20 feet away from hers.

Bradley hadn't moved to Cape May to make friends or meet anyone. He'd moved to this dead end town in hopes of finding eternal quiet and peace and to flee from whatever it was that he was fleeing from. However, when his eyes moved to the side while he fished for his keys inside of his bag and he looked at the beautiful blonde who was giving him a smile, he couldn't help but smile back. He immediately looked away again, grabbed his keys and unlocked the door. He didn't look at her again and cursed himself out under his breath once he was inside of his safe home and the door was shut. He couldn't risk getting close to anyone again. The last time he did it didn't end well and he didn't need to lose anyone else.

But god, he could already feel himself long for human contact. Bradley was a very social person, a family guy even though he didn't have anyone left. He needed crowds of people, someone to talk to and share his feelings with. Someone to love, because he loved so deeply, but he couldn't. He simply couldn't.

Stefani frowned when she noticed his rushed attempt of getting home and sighed when he was inside without giving her another look. She did catch the little smile he gave her though and that spurred her on.
The last time something exciting had happened in her life was when her aunt Mary pretended to be possessed by a demon but the woman was just absolutely nuts and after they faked an exorcism, she claimed to be 'cured'. They'd taken her to a mental hospital afterwards and that was the last time Stefani had seen her aunt Mary. She'd been ten at that time.

The mystery man gave her something to do, someone new to get to know and that was exciting to her. So she did what she did best: she baked. Cupcakes to be exact.

Stefani's mother Cynthia owned a tiny bakery in town and ever since she could look over the counter, both women baked together. She absolutely loved it and had taken over the bakery ever since her mother decided to rest for a bit. So, she baked. A bunch of cupcakes that reminded her of the smile he'd given her. They were small but tasted like absolute heaven.

When she was done, the sun was already setting but she knew he was awake since the lights were on.

Stefani gently knocked on his door and held the basket full of dessert close to her body while she waited for him to answer the door. She heard someone move closer but it stayed silent and nothing happened, so she decided to knock again. "I can hear you move, you know?" She giggled lightly.

Bradley sighed and left his hand on the door handle for a moment in hesitation. He didn't want to open the door but getting on her bad side wasn't exactly a part of his plan either, so he took a deep breath and opened the door for her. There she stood, on his front porch in a summer dress that blew around in the soft wind of the warm July air, a smile on her face that almost took his breath away and a basket in her hands. "Uhm... hello." He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. A nervous habit he had.

"Hey!" She grinned. "I was wondering when I would meet you. I'm Stefani and I live next door which you've probably figured out already." She giggled nervously. "Welcome to town, I made you some cupcakes." She handed him the basket and he took it out of her hands.

He could already smell the delicious cakes without having seen them and wished he could have this every single day of his life. Just like he wished he could get to know the woman who'd made them.

After a moment of silence, Stefani tilted her head to the side in amusement at how quiet he was being. He didn't seem to mind her presence at all, but he seemed nervous. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" She joked.

Bradley offered her a curt smile. "Bradley." He said, holding the basket up a little. "Thanks for the gift. I'll go inside and eat now." He didn't want her to go or to be alone at all, yet he didn't have a choice.

Stefani noticed how he looked behind her as if he was being watched or expected someone to jump out of a bush and attack him any second. She wanted to ask him about it but she also didn't want to intrude yet, so she left it uncommented. "Okay, but you haven't seen the last of me. I'll need my basket back after all." She bit down on her bottom lip.

Bradley's heart picked up on pace at the sight of it and he could simply nod before he rushed to shut the door again. He waited until he heard her own door close before he dared to move again. Staying away from her would be harder than he initially thought it would be.

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