his apartment

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You'll hate me even more for this one than for the last sad one 😂

I knew it. All the signs were there. Secret phone calls, leaving at night when he thought I was asleep, not coming home at all, working late. It was all there this whole time but I didn't want it to be true. Not again. Not when I thought that he was the one, that he was different.

But I held all the evidence I needed in my hand: a necklace that wasn't mine. It was beautiful, a little heart charm with a diamond was in the palm of my hand while I stared at it. I didn't know how to react yet. I couldn't cry, I couldn't even be angry. I knew it, I knew it was coming. That I'd eventually find the piece of evidence to confirm the inevitable truth that I so desperately hoped wasn't the truth.

Now that I held it in my hands I still found myself in denial. He wouldn't do this to me, right? Not after all the romantic dinners, the 'I love yous' and the secrets we shared. Our families were sure we'd get married one day and have children. This couldn't be true right?

But no matter how I tried to twist and turn it, I couldn't deny the truth any more. Bradley was cheating on me.

When the door to our apartment opened I didn't move. I didn't rush to the door to greet him with a tight hug and I didn't get up on my toes to reach his lips for a sweet kiss. I just didn't move.

Bradley slipped out of his shoes and coat and walked towards me. He placed a kiss on my head and then turned back around to walk out of our bedroom. He didn't even notice something was wrong.

"Are you serious?" And there it was: the anger.

Bradley stopped and turned to look at me. "What?" He asked.

"You're fucking serious, aren't you?" I asked. I still held the necklace in my hand and when I held it up a bit he frowned.

"What do you mean?"

He didn't even know the necklace wasn't mine.

"You don't even know?" I asked in disbelief.

"Stefani, damnit I don't know what you're talking about!" He now yelled, clearly frustrated.

I scoffed, jumping up from the bed. I held the necklace up, my fist closed around it so tightly I could feel the edges of the heart stab the insides of my palm. "It isn't mine, Bradley." I pushed the necklace into his hand. "You should give it back to your girlfriend." I said, with a sour undertone, that felt foreign on my tongue.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me, then at the necklace and back at me. His mouth opened and closed again several times.

"I already packed my bags." I said and he only now noticed the bags and suitcases in the corner of the room. They shouldn't be there, this shouldn't have happened. "I already told Natali I'd stay with her until I can move back to my old place." I continued, my voice a lot calmer now. "I don't want to see you again. Don't call me, don't text me, I don't care. We're over." I said, grabbing my bags and suitcases to leave.

"Stefani, please." He mumbled, finally speaking. "Let me explain."

I didn't dare to look at him. I knew my eyes would betray me and I didn't want to cry in front of him. He didn't deserve the satisfaction of knowing that he'd hurt me. "What, Bradley? Explain what?" I asked, glaring at the floor.

I finally let my eyes wander up to his face and stared into his ocean blue ones. "Explain what? How it felt to cheat on me? How good she felt when you fucked her while I was home alone, waiting for you to come home? How she tasted and how much better she is? Is that what you want to explain to me?" I spat out through gritted teeth. I could feel the tears blur my vision and quickly blinked to hold them back.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He whispered, reaching his hand out towards me.

I quickly took a step back and held my hand up. "No. You don't get to touch me and you definitely don't get to tell me that you didn't want to cheat on me!" I said and that shut him up. There was nothing else to say anyway.

"Goodbye." I said and without looking back again, I was gone.

That was it.

Our apartment was now his apartment again.

My take on a rather negative and sad one for once. How do you like it?

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