high school sweetheart [2]

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Stefani's POV:

I could barely concentrate on English even though it was my favorite subject. I couldn't believe Bradley really took a punch in the face for me and all just because Jace talked shit about me.

If I'd try to stick up for myself every time someone tried to bring me down, it would be all I'd do all day.

Everyone assumed I had the best life and everyone loved me but my only real friend was Bradley. He didn't like me for my looks or for my grades and engagement in school projects. He liked me because he truly knew me the way I was when none of these things mattered. Sure, everyone talked to me and tried to be my friend but it was all for the wrong reasons and the only reason why Jace wanted to date me was so he could brag about it to all of his friends. We were supposed to date when it came to those books I read: the bad guy turns good after he meets the high school sweetheart whom he falls for.

This wasn't a book and Jace surely wasn't someone worth falling for.

When the bell rang and everyone rushed outside, I also grabbed my bag and headed into the cafeteria for lunch time. I grabbed my tray and sat down at a table, picking at my food. When Bradley walked inside I looked at him and for the first time since I've known him I really looked at him. Not in a friendly way, but from somebody else's perspective.
He was cute, his hair surely needed some gel in it and he could use a pair of new sneakers but he was cute.

I sighed and admired the way his muscles flexed under his shirt when he picked up his own tray and when his eyes met mine I blushed. I blushed.

I didn't blush around Bradley. He was my best friend and he's seen me naked before when I fell into a huge muddy puddle and had to get out of my clothes before my mom saw me. He had lent me his coat and shirt and I still kept them in my closet for some reason. He was the one who'd give me boy advice, he was my first kiss in 6th grade when I got nervous about kissing other guys so we practiced together.

This was Bradley. Church boy Bradley who once ripped his pants during a ceremony and wore Spongebob boxers underneath his tuxedo. Even the priest laughed I think.

I didn't blush around Bradley, so why did I feel weird now? Was this some weird joke my body played on me now? Was it happening like my mom had predicted? Was I falling for Bradley Cooper?

"I'm still sorry so I brought you a muffin." I snapped out of my daydream and looked up at Bradley who held a triple chocolate muffin in his hand as if it was a precious diamond. I giggled and took it, unwrapping it.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asked, slipping into the chair and putting his tray down in front of mine. He had gotten his usual: an orange juice, an apple and a banana and a Gouda sandwich without the pickles. He hated pickles and I usually ate them whenever they'd messed up his order.

"It means I'm considering it." I teased and took a bite of my muffin. "This is a good muffin, I think You're almost forgiven."

Bradley chuckled and stuck out his hand to me so I could place a piece of the dessert into his palm. He tasted it and then smiled. "You're right, it's a good muffin!"

"Look, I'm not mad. I was for a short amount of time but I think it's very sweet of you to stick up for me like that. I know nobody else would've done that for me." I smiled, lightly touching his hand with mine. "Thank you. Even though you could've shut up about being way better for me than Jace." I paused. "Not that it's not true." I shrugged.

Bradley blushed and looked down on our hands before looking back up at me. "Did you just indirectly tell me to try asking you out?" He grinned, even though he knew I didn't.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You can try but I'll say no." I smirked. "Unless you get me another muffin."

"I'll get you the whole tray if you want." He suggested, making me laugh.

"I get to choose where we're going." I added.

"That's fine, I know you hate fancy restaurants. It's probably going to end up being McDonald's anyway." He joked.

"Okay, pick me up at 6." I said and then almost ran for the door. I couldn't believe I was going on a date with Bradley.

It was surely going to be interesting...

I'm gonna leave it here because I liked the first part but didn't like this one so I don't want to add more 😂 hope you liked this anyway?

I'm giving you this second part today as well AND I have another part coming up in celebration of NEW YEARS EVE!!🙏🏻🤩 so stay around for that!! (;

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