Practice (mature)

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I laughed out loud, throwing my head back at Bradley's silly joke. He'd been joking around the whole day, making it hard for me to concentrate on work. We'd agreed to work at my house that day since I had a piano and it was much more laid back and we both felt comfortable there. Bradley had presented some lyrics to me and we'd barely even gone through them when we already got distracted by literally anything.

"Stop! We have to get some work done before they fire the both of us." I warned, pointing the pen at him and poking his chest with it.

Bradley was leaned against the piano while I was sat on the stool in front of it, the lyrics on my lap.

"It's not my fault you're in a mood today." He joked and I let out a playful scoff.

"I'm in a mood?"

Bradley laughed and rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay. Play something." He pointed at the piano and I put the lyrics aside, humming a tune before I started playing a few notes.

We worked on it for a while and Bradley sat down next to me at one point, his palm resting on my leg. I blushed when I felt his fingers stroke my thigh slowly and carefully.
I knew we had chemistry, sexual tension, whatever. It was obvious to us and everyone around us, especially our partners who threw it at our faces on a regular basis. Christian and I had been fighting for weeks and Irina basically told me to back off the other day so I'd assumed that her and Bradley also didn't go through a good time. We'd never gone past flirting though, even though it was pretty intense flirting. A few dirty glances, a lot of touching when no one was looking but we hadn't moved past it. We knew it was only a matter of time before we did though.

After a good two hours of writing on several songs and going through the script I stretched out my body and moaned at the feeling of my tense muscles.

"You alright?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. He knew about my fibromyalgia and the pain so it wasn't unusual for him to give me occasional massages.

"Yeah, we've just been sitting here for too long. I need to move." I said and stood up from the chair, Bradley following my lead.

"Do you need help?" He noticed how weak I was due to my tense muscles as I wobbled over to the couch.

I shook my head though and finally plopped down on the couch. Bradley sat down next to me, lifted my legs and let me lay them down on his own. One of his hands rested on them and he ran his fingers up and down my leg, making me shiver.

"What are you doing?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He smiled and shrugged. "Nothing."

I narrowed my eyes at him and watched his fingers travel further up my leg, reaching my inner thigh and dangerously close to where I wanted them most.

"Bradley..." I warned him, making him groan.

"I'm not doing anything." He protested and I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse. We both knew what he was doing.

My own eyes traveled down to his growing bulge and I hissed when he dragged one finger over my clothed center, letting out an innocent oops before placing his hand back on my knee.

I quickly sat up and threw my legs around his body, straddling him but staying far enough away from the big tent in his pants. Bradley's hands were quick to rest on my ass and I pushed them off, making him settle for my hips instead. "You do realize that what you're doing is very inappropriate, right?" I warned once again and raised an eyebrow.

Bradley rolled his eyes and shifted under me, making me slip forward a little. "We're not doing anything. We're just rehearsing our chemistry." he said, an innocent look on his face.

"Rehearsing, huh?" I asked, letting my hands rest on his chest. Bradley nodded before pulling me on top of him properly, my core now rubbing against his, making the both of us moan.

"This is just practice." He explained, making me move back and forth on top of him. I bit down on my bottom lip and shut my eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his hard cock against me, even though there were several layers of clothing between us.

"Practice." I breathed out and buried my face in the crook of his neck while I rocked into him hard, feeling my panties get wet at the feeling.

"Fuck, you feel so good." Bradley mumbled, kissing my neck. This was so wrong but I couldn't help but move my head to the side to kiss him. His tongue made its way into my mouth without any hesitation and I moaned, cupping his face in my hands. I moved faster on top of him and only stopped when Bradley stopped me.

"Can we...try something?" He asked.

I blushed. "Bradley, I'm not sure-"

"We won't have sex." He said and I hesitated for a moment before I nodded.

"Take off your Jeans." He said and I unzipped them, dragging the pants down my legs, leaving me on top of his lap in my damp panties.

Bradley rid himself of his own pants and was in his briefs now, showing me how big he was for me. I moaned when he made me grind into him again, the thinner layers allowing the sensations of it to be way stronger now. I almost lost it.

"I wish I could fuck your perfect little mouth, baby." Bradley groaned out after a long and heated kiss and I moaned at his dirty talk. "Open your mouth for me." He added and I did as told. He slipped one finger into it. "Wider." I lazily opened it wider and he added another finger, pushing them in and out of my mouth. I finally started sucking on them the way I would've sucked his dick, twirling my tongue around them.

Bradley moaned at the sight of me sucking his fingers and the feeling of me grinding against his hard cock in harsh movements. "You're going to be the death of me." He mumbled and dragged his fingers out of my mouth to kiss me again.

We made out sloppily, our moans and breaths mixing while I still rocked back and forth on him. "Fuck, I need you." I cried out and without thinking about the consequences this would have, I pulled down his briefs, just enough for his cock to spring free. Bradley groaned and we both stopped kissing at the sudden change of scene. This was a whole different level we'd be entering but neither of us were in the right mindset to make any rational decisions at the moment, so Bradley pulled my panties to the side and with one swift movement slipped into me.

I threw my head back at the anticipated feeling and cried out his name, riding him while he thrusted up into me at the same time. "This is not good." I choked out, reminding him that this was wrong.

Bradley nodded. "Fuck, not good at all. We're going to hell for this." He chuckled lightly but only moved faster.

I whimpered when he moved his hand between us to rub my clit and moved faster, circling my hips.

"Fuck, you're so tight." Bradley hissed and moved his thumb faster so we'd cum at the same time. When I felt him spill into me, I started shaking as well, coming down on him hard.

"Fuck, what did we do?" I hid my face in the crook of his neck, while he still was inside of me, both of us catching our breaths.

"We practiced our love making scenes. Good job." He tried to joke and I laughed, slipping off of him. We both knew this would change everything between us and also between us and our partners.
But we also knew that this opened up new opportunities for us.

I didn't know how to end this tbh so it sucks.
I'm so sorry for not posting but my life is kinda crazy atm and I wasn't mentally well enough to write anything. Hope you're alright💗

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