it's real 1/2

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"We're filming the hotel scene today. Their first kiss and night with each other." Bradley announced, going through the script with some of the cameramen and his co-director. He couldn't wait to kiss Stefani, to be quite honest. They'd been flirting whenever no one was watching, all innocent of course, but when he caught her biting her lip at the announcement of the next scene he knew she was anticipating it just as much as he was.

Stefani already got into position and went through the very empty pages of her script. He wanted it to be as natural and real looking as possible, so besides the lines she had to speak and memorize, there weren't many guide lines to the kiss or sex scenes. She didn't mind it and already had a general idea of what to do. Filming American Horror Story was much harder than just playing the role of Ally so far. The countess had been a complex character, a whole different person she had to mold herself into, while Ally was more part of her than she'd liked to admit. They were very different but also quite similar in many ways.

"You ready to start?" Bradley asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets when he came to a stop in front of her.

She looked up from the script and handed it to one of their assistants with a nod. "Yeah. You?" She teased, tugging on the collar of his jacket. "Ready to kiss me?"

Bradley chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Always so full of yourself, Germanotta." He joked and guided them to the front door where they'd enter the scene together.

"Everyone knows you can't wait to have your way with me, Cooper." She continued to tease him, smirking up at the taller man.

"What about you? I think I heard you tell Sarah that you couldn't wait to have me shirtless in that bed." He grinned, watching her blush. "Gotcha, baby."

She scoffed and they got into position. "We'll See who's gonna cave in first." She challenged.

He chuckled and signaled for them to start filming.


When they came to halt in front of the dark wooden dresser of the hotel room, Bradley turned and they naturally found each other's lips, molding into each other's bodies. Stefani let out a breathy moan and then pulled away with a giggle. "Wait here." She pressed her palm against his chest with a smile on her lips before she disappeared into the bathroom.

"Okay, cut. We need to set up the cameras in the bathroom. They're not right yet." Bradley said and the crew immediately started working on it.

Stefani nudged his shoulder with hers. "All good, Cowboy?" She asked, smiling up at him. Her lips were still red from the kiss and he couldn't help but stare at them.

"More than good." He chuckled.


Stefani took off her jacket and slid into bed next to Bradley who pretended to be passed out.

"Okay cut. The next scene will be the lovemaking scene." He said. He took Stefani's hand in his under the bedsheets, making her blush. "Adjust camera one." He pointed at it.

"I'm nervous." She whispered while the cameramen worked on the right angles.

"Nervous? Why?" He asked, turning more towards her.

She shrugged. "This is my first movie and I just want to do everything right."

Bradley smiled and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. "Just go with your gut." He said.

When he noticed her tense up even more than before he got out of bed and signaled for her to follow him. "Five minute Break." He announced, grabbing her hand and guiding her out of the room and away from the people on set.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

Bradley opened a door to a different room and walked inside, shutting the door behind her when she was inside as well. Without warning he pressed his lips on hers in a soft kiss and rubbed her lower back with his thumb.

She relaxed inside of his arms and grabbed a fistful of his shirt while kissing him back. "What was that for?" She asked, smiling.

"You're way too tense." He chuckled. "Loosen up a bit."

"We're basically going to dry hump in front of four cameras and twenty people now. Of course I'm tense." She sighed. "I've done way more revealing things so far, but this is different. It seems much more intimate and real."

Bradley nodded. "It is real. So just go with it. I'll be gentle and we can stop at any point if you're only the slightest bit uncomfortable." He said, smiling.

She nodded. "Okay."

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