Raising Ava [3]

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"Stop moving!" I warned and plucked another one of Bradley's brow hairs, giggling when he flinched back once again. He'd asked me to pluck them for him a while ago and I happily agreed, since I knew I'd enjoy torturing him. There was something funny about the way he furrowed his brows, looked up even though he knew he wouldn't be able to see them anyway and then jumped every time I pulled a hair out.

When I was done I gently rubbed both of my thumbs over each brow to straighten them again. I noticed Bradley staring at me while I did so, his breathing slow and almost inaudible. I peeled my hands away from his face and smiled, proud of my work. "All done. You look handsome." I commented, blushing when I noticed how close we were. Our knees were touching since I was sat directly in front of him and I quickly looked down at my lap, not wanting to get up just yet.

Of course I'd noticed how handsome Bradley was. There was no denying how attracted I was to him and we got along very well. Ava felt safe with us and he'd definitely made my life a lot easier since he walked through these doors for the first time. Even though Bradley had flirted with me and kind of hinted at me that he didn't dislike me either, I didn't know how he felt about me at all. He was a very private person, so when I'd opened up to him about some of my struggles, my past and family life, I knew absolutely nothing about him, besides the fact that he was James' brother. I knew that the relationship he has with his parents was very different than from what I've seen of James. He was much more reserved around them, almost skittish and nervous all the time.

While they played with Ava he sat back and didn't interfere and he didn't try to make conversation with them unless it was absolutely necessary or they started one. I don't think he spoke a single word to his father.

"Tell me something about you." I suddenly said, picking at the plastic around the tweezers to keep my hands busy and away from his body.

Bradley mustered my face to search for any sorts of emotions but I'd perfected my poker face, especially around him. He didn't stand a chance. "Why the sudden interest in my personal life?" He asked back.

I shrugged and raised a brow at him. "You know stuff about me but I don't know anything about you, other than the obvious." I stated.

"What do you wanna know then?"

I shrugged again and stayed silent. I didn't know. What did I want to know?

"Okay." Bradley cleared his throat and thought about it for a while before a smile spread on his face. "I'm a very good cook. I make the best breakfast pancakes and my cheesecake is absolutely incredible." He chuckled.

I giggled at his excitement and let him go on, smiling at him now, the tweezers on the table next to us.

"I'm also very competitive for some reason. My brother and I used to play all sorts of board and card games when we were younger and I'd beat him when I lost. I always felt so bad for it afterwards though that I either did his homework for him or bought him lunch the next day or something." Bradley shrugged. "I know, so lame." He rolled his eyes.

I shook my head. "Not at all. It's actually very sweet." I answered truthfully, my voice soft and quiet. When he didn't continue talking and just looked at me I blushed. "What about your parents?" I then asked, breaking the silence.

"Our relationship isn't the best." He said and didn't continue, the smile on his face fading as he looked anywhere but me now.

"You know, my dad and I went through some hard times when I decided to work somewhere else and not join the family business. He kicked me out and we didn't speak in a year." I confessed, to maybe make it easier for him to open up to me as well. "I found a good job, got my life back together and he calmed down as well. It's all good now."

Bradley scoffed, a little smile on his face. "My dad didn't care about me. The second I was born he ignored my existence entirely. I was so confused and I didn't understand why he hated me so much growing up and it made me depressed. I started drinking when I was 13 and got into lots of trouble because that's the only times he actually talked to me: when he yelled at me. I know it sounds pathetic, why would I even want his attention?" He questioned his actions himself, finally looking at me again and I almost broke down at how sad and hurt he looked.

"It's not pathetic at all, Bradley. What he did to you is absolutely horrible and no child deserves this. I'm sorry you had to go through that." I said, my hand gently touching his in a comforting manner. He turned his around and took my hand in his, his thumb drawing small circles on the back of it. I shivered at the touch but remained calm on the inside.

"I was so angry and when James came into the picture he was dads angel and his whole pride and joy. There were many times where I hated him and wished him so many bad things because I was jealous of him and the relationship he had with my parents. I never had that even though I wanted it so badly. Now that I think back at it I realize how mean I was to him sometimes when he did nothing wrong and I wish I could take it all back. I wish I'd been a better older brother to him." He sighed, now intertwining our fingers, letting them rest on his lap.

"I can assure you that James loved you very much. I know we didn't know each other and it took me a while to even remember you but I do remember how excited James was when he mentioned you'd be visiting soon. I think it was the last time you visited, about a year and a half ago. He told us that 'his cool older brother' would be visiting and that 'he missed him so fucking much'. I know it's hard to believe but I don't think he even cared about the bad things you might've done, he loved you for who you are because you're his brother. There's nothing like the bond between siblings and let's be real: siblings rarely get along and under your circumstances? It was impossible. I would've acted the same." I shrugged, smiling. "You're a good man, Bradley."

He nodded and cleared his throat, his forehead creased while he was deep in thought again, yet his eyes were locked on mine. I didn't dare to move as it seemed like the world had stopped moving around us. I heard the clock on the wall ticking and counted the seconds to keep my mind off of how badly I wanted to kiss him, him to kiss me back.

30 seconds. It took him 30 long seconds to lean forward, his lips dangerously close to mine. Instead of kissing me he pressed his forehead against mine and I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding, both of our eyes closing at the same time. "Thank you." He mumbled and then he was gone.

I sat on the couch and looked after him, catching his body leaving the room.

I was falling in love with him.

Most random chapter, but I wanted Bradley's family to be a little dysfunctional so the next things I have in mind will make more sense. This story might go on for a little while :) hope you don't mind!

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