Stupid love [2] (mature)

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I twisted my fork around some spaghetti and smiled at the light hearted conversation Gloria and my mom had. Bradley shot me some glances and let his hand rest on my knee, squeezing it occasionally. When I guided the next fork full of noodles up to my mouth I almost let out a yelp.

Bradley's hand had moved under my dress so quickly I didn't even have the time to stop him. His fingers were on my panties and he rubbed me, smirking when he noticed my reaction.

"Oh, Stefani! Tell Gloria about the new album!" My mom said, both of the women in front of us completely oblivious to what was going on right in front of them.

I forced a smile onto my face and mentally cursed Bradley out when he pushed my dress up and my panties aside, his fingers slipping into me with ease. "Yeah! The album is going great!" I took in a deeper breath. "It's very fun and something, hmm, completely new." I licked over my lips to wet them and shot Bradley a look.

He simply smiled innocently which made me want to jump up and punch him, or fuck him. I wasn't really sure what I wanted.

"I've heard a few songs, they're truly incredible. What's the single called again?" Mom asked and raised a brow at my shallow breathing and the tight grip I had on the fork. I realized how white my knuckles had gotten and loosened it immediately, putting the fork down. Bradley's pace quickened during the process and it took everything in me not to moan out loudly when he pressed his thumb onto my clit as well.

"Stupid love." I said quickly, my now free hand moving down to grab Bradley's wrist. I turned towards him and mouthed 'I'm going to cum' to him while our moms were deep in their conversation. Bradley pushed his fingers in deeper and added another, his thumb only increasing the pleasure.

The smirk on his face and my pleasure filled glances both stopped when our moms engaged us into their conversation again. "Bradley is working on a new movie as well, but he won't tell me what it is." Gloria pouted, making Bradley chuckle.

"I'm sorry mom, but the time will come." The extra emphasis on the word 'come' and his more controlled thrusts, his fingers curling inside of me and the continuous circling of his thumb on my clit managed to send me over the edge.

I gripped onto his wrist tightly, my jaw clenched and teeth pressed together so I wouldn't scream. I held my breath for the time my orgasm lasted which seemed like forever and let out a deep sigh when Bradley finally pulled his hand away from me.

"How was dinner, Bradley?" My mom asked, a smile on her face.

Bradley licked the fingers that were just inside of me and shot me a quick smirk. "Absolutely delicious." He said.



When we got up from the table I adjusted my dress again and earned a look from my mom. "Why is your dress so wrinkled?" She asked, trying to straighten it with her hands.

I tried to suppress the blush as much as possible and shrugged my shoulders. "Probably from sitting for so long."

Mom let out a displeased huff and then joined Gloria in the kitchen. When they were both out of sight I slapped Bradley's chest hard, glaring at him. "You're exceptionally bad at keeping your promises, Cooper!" I whisper yelled.

He chuckled and leaned down to my ear. "I promised to not fuck you with your mom in the house, that doesn't include touching you." He whispered back, placing a kiss on my cheek and pulling away just when our moms walked back into the room.

I glared at him and earned a pleading look from my mother who didn't know just how well Bradley and I actually got along at the moment.

"Who's ready for dessert?"

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