sneaking around (mature)

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Stefani found Bradley's eyes on the other side of the room, smirking. He shot her a grin as well before they both diverted their attention back towards their scripts.

The set was filled with staff rushing from left to right, trying to get everything right for the next scene, luckily not paying much attention to the pair.

Both of them have been dancing around their insane chemistry, exploring their feelings for each other now more than ever since they've broken up with their partners. The sexual tension was definitely there, they couldn't remember a time when it wasn't. Bradley found Stefani extremely attractive and vice versa.

"Stop staring at hot shots over there and focus on your script." Sarah teased Stefani who rolled her eyes at one of her closest friends and make up artist.

"I'm not staring at hot shots. He's staring at me and I simply have to stand my ground." She grinned at Sarah before taking a seat in the chair, so Sarah could start applying some powder to her face. She didn't wear any make up besides some matte powder and a thin coat of mascara but felt oddly comfortable with her bare face on full display.

Bradley couldn't believe Stefani was real sometimes. She was smart and educated, funny, talented and she loved to give him an attitude but he liked that about her. If she didn't like something, she made sure to let everyone know and feel it until they fixed it. He couldn't stay away from her any longer, even though he valued their friendship and she found their friendship equally as important. He had to make a move and if it ended up ruining everything then he had to live with it, but what if it turned out to be the best thing that could've ever happen to him? He would forever regret not taking a shot at it.

"That's it for this scene, guys! Great work." One of the co-producers and also one of Bradley's new friends called out from behind one of the massive cameras and threw a thumbs up their way.

Bradley joined them to look at the material while Stefani made her way into her trailer to freshen up and take a short break. She had just taken a sip of her bottled water when the door opened and closed again, making her turn around to look at the intruder. "Is something wrong?" She asked Bradley, who still stood at the door, contemplating what his next move should be.

"Yes, fuck. I mean, no. Fuck this." He mumbled, rushed towards her and before she could fully react to what he was doing his hands were on her hips and his lips pressed tightly on hers while her back hit the wall.

She quickly recovered from the initial shock and then wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him back, a small moan leaving her lips when they pulled away, completely out of breath. "Damn." She giggled, wiping over his bottom lip to get rid of some of her lip balm that had transferred to his lips during the kiss. She'd definitely seen it coming, but didn't think it would be happening on set. Bradley usually tried to be as professional as possible, since he was also the director of the movie and had to be.

"I've been wanting to do this for a while now." Bradley said.

Stefani smiled up at him. "I was actually waiting for you to make a move on me as well. Didn't think it would happen like this." She smirked. "Not that I'm complaining."

"We have exactly 8 minutes left of our lunch break."

"I have a feeling we won't be having any lunch." She giggled when she felt his hand work on her tiny shorts. God, how much Bradley loved those shorts, even when they drove him wild with jealousy at the same time. He obviously saw how other men and women stared at her body every time she wore something a little more revealing and couldn't help but want to be close to her to show them that she was his even when she wasn't.

"At least not the kind of lunch you digest."

"Pretty sure you also digest cum if you swallow it." She stated, making Bradley laugh.

"Shut up, smartass." He grinned down at her and placed another kiss on her lips. They greedily roamed their hands all over each other's bodies.

Bradley quickly lowered his boxers, freeing himself and pulled Stefani's shorts down, pushing her panties to the side before he entered her.

"God, Bradley." She whispered, biting down on her lip to keep quiet inside of the small trailer.

"You feel so good wrapped around my cock." Bradley whispered into her ear before he placed a kiss below it. The dirty talk made her roll her eyes to the back of her head while she grew more turned on by the second.

Stefani moaned quietly holding onto his shoulders while they fucked. It was quick and rough, but it felt better than anything else they'd ever experienced. They were connected in a way they hadn't been before.

When Bradley picked up on his pace and knew he was close his fingers found her clit to get her to cum as well. She quickly pressed her lips against his to muffle the sounds both made when they came at the same time.

"We even have a minute left." Bradley joked, making her laugh and push him away so they both could get dressed again.

"I'll meet you outside." She said after they've decided that they shouldn't walk out of her trailer together to not raise any suspicion.

Bradley pulled her close to his body, their chests pressed together tightly and kissed her again, letting it last a bit longer than necessary. "Look at us, sneaking around like teenagers." He mumbled against her lips, laughing.

Stefani kissed him again. "I wouldn't want to relive any teenage memories with anyone else."

Bradley let out a fake gasp. "You've done this with someone else before? I'm shocked."

Stefani laughed and pushed him towards the door. "Leave before my dad walks in on us!" She joked.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked before he opened the door.

"For you? Always." Stefani smiled.

"Good." Bradley grinned, finally leaving the trailer.

Stefani squealed quietly and jumped a little before she laughed at herself. "I really do behave like a teenager, Jesus." She mumbled to herself, a wide smile on her face.

A short and crappy one and I'm sorry!

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