Mini Gaga

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I held my stomach and groaned when I got up from the couch. As if on cue I heard Bradley rush into the living room, a toothbrush in his mouth and towel draped around his neck.

"Careful!" He said through the foam in his mouth and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips. I was almost due and honestly couldn't wait for this damn baby to pop out of me. My whole body hurt and pregnancy with fibromyalgia turned out to be way worse than I had expected but Bradley had to be the worst part of it all. This man had absolutely no chill left inside of him. He was always running around, always asking me if I was okay and he never left me alone. Never.

Other women would probably be thankful and happy about it but I was just exhausted and annoyed at this point.

"I can get up by myself, Bradley!" I complained but still let him help me. I knew this was a new experience for him as well, so I tried to go easy on him.

"Yet you still always let me help you anyway, stop being stubborn." He joked.

"I'm not stubborn!" I complained, waddling towards the kitchen.

"What do you need? I could've gotten it for you." He said, following me.

"I don't need you to get me everything." I snapped and poured myself a glass of water. "I'm a grown ass woman and I am capable of doing normal things on my own-" and that's when my water broke and my first contraction hit me. Hard.

"Oh fuck. Oh my god. Oh no." Bradley panicked while rushing towards me. "Ok I saw this on tv, you have to breathe." He said, holding my hand while we rushed out towards the car.

"No fucking shit! If I don't breathe I'll die!" I cried out through the pain and grabbed his hand tighter. I heard him hiss at the pain I caused him but he didn't complain. As soon as I was inside of the car and buckled up we were on our way to the hospital.

"Oh god, are you okay?" He asked when I screamed again at the pain shooting through my whole body.

"No!" I snapped and groaned.

Bradley held back a laugh and I slapped his arm. "Are you laughing? I hate you!" I said but also giggled a bit. This was kind of hilarious from an outside perspective.

When we reached the hospital and I was inside of a bed, Bradley was back by my side, caressing my hair. I was sweaty and felt sick. I'd thrown up about three times by then and the pain was so bad it made me dizzy. "God, I love you."

"Now is not the time for love confessions, I think I'm going to die." I said, dramatically wiping at my forehead.

Bradley chuckled and kissed the spot I just rubbed, groaning when another contraction hit me and I squeezed his hand again. "I feel like you're going to kill me." He joked after I let him go again.

"God, I hope this baby will hurry up." I complained.

"It'll be over soon."


"Oh my fucking god, why is she the size of a fucking Mercedes Benz?" I yelled, pushing again.

Bradley chuckled and patted the back of my hand. "She's not, she's tiny." He said.

"And one final push!" The nurse said, making me let out a huff, before I pushed once more. I let out an exhausted sigh and finally relaxed against the damp bed sheets, feeling the tears spring into my eyes when I heard our baby girl cry for the first time.

"A beautiful, healthy baby girl." One of the nurses said and wrapped her up in a white blanket, holding the crying child out to give it to me.

I sobbed and gently rocked her tiny body in my arms. Bradley kissed my forehead and let the baby grab his finger. "She's stunning." I whispered, not wanting her to wake up when she fell asleep.

Bradley wiped away some of his own tears before wiping mine away and pressed a kiss to my lips. "You're incredible. Thank you for this beautiful gift. I can't believe we've created a mini Gaga." He joked the last part and I giggled.

"Speaking of mini Gaga: We didn't talk about a name yet." I said, waiting for his response.

He smiled, looked at our baby girl and then back at me. "She looks an awful lot like a Joanne, don't you think?" He said, gently rubbing her cheek with his fingers. I could've sworn she smiled at the loving gesture.

"I couldn't love you more, even if I tried." I said and puckered my lips to make him kiss me again which he did. "Joanne Holly Cooper." I added the middle name to honor his sister, making him smile.

"It's perfect." He said and we continued to look at our daughter. The creation of our love.

A cute and kinda funny short one but don't you worry! I'm uploading another one later on!

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