more than friends

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This isn't edited so I apologize for any mistakes!! :)

Bradley mustered Stefani from afar.

The set was filled with tons of people, all minding their own business and rushing around the scene and Bradley was stood in one of the more secluded areas of the large room, just leaning against the wall and snacking on some fruit he'd brought for an afternoon snack that day.

His eyes were glued on his best friend. He wished she was more than just a friend to him, ever since he'd gotten to know her better.

Stefani stood in front of one of the cameras to check out the angles in which they'd film her and flipped through a few pages of her script. She chewed on her bottom lip, creased her forehead in concentration and rolled the corner of one of the pages up with her pointer finger and thumb. When she noticed the distraught paper she groaned and tried to straighten it again. She hated it whenever she did that, she wanted her stuff to look neat and clean.

Bradley smiled when he picked up on her nervous habits and couldn't help but watch her for a few more seconds. She looked flawless that day, just like any other day. Her brown locks messily framed her face, her blouse was unbottoned a tiny bit and stuffed into her high waisted jeans. Her skin was tanned and glowy in the sunlight that peeked through the large windows of the studio.

Stefani looked up when she sensed his eyes on her once again. She could feel his presence in the room, even if she couldn't see him. It was like the air changed whenever he was around and she couldn't explain it but they were connected in a special way. When her eyes landed on Bradley they both smiled, content with what they saw. There wasn't a view any more beautiful than each other.

Bradley placed his lunch box on the table next to him, pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against and casually strolled towards Stefani who was already lost in her script again when he threw an arm around her tiny shoulders. "What's with the frown on your face?" He asked, placing a kiss on her temple.

She smiled and shrugged. "Just concentrating. I want to get this right." Her eyes moved away from the letters on the page and came to rest on the words she could read on his lips before he even spoke them. "No, I didn't have my snack yet, but I'll have it now." She mocked him, bumping her hip with his.

"I didn't ask." He teased back, gently tickling her waist to hear her laugh. He loved the way it echoed in the room. "How do you know what I want to say before I say it?"

"Telepathy." She tapped her finger on his forehead once and then walked towards the lunch table with a smile.

Bradley chuckled and followed her. "Read my mind now, if you're such a magician."

"Magicians aren't telepathic actually, but okay." She said while opening a box of cereal and pouring it into a bowl. "You're thinking about grabbing a bowl and joining me for cereal even though you just had fruit." She grinned, handing him a bowl.

"That's not telepathy, Stefani. That's just you knowing I'm fat." He joked, grabbing the box of cereal out of her hand to pour himself some.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, starting to eat.


"I'm glad we shot that scene in a bathtub." Bradley said, blushing a little.

"Two of the cameramen got boners when they saw my boobs, it's fine." She giggled, rolling her eyes. Of course he'd feel embarrassed about getting turned on by her, even though he should've been more than aware of the fact that he turned her on just as much. They were both attractive people after all.

"Yeah, but they're not your best friends!" He complained, groaning when she sat on his lap.

"How would you know? Maybe they are." She teased, tracing his jawline with her finger. This wasn't unusual for them. They were always this close and comfortable around one another, but it felt more sensual that day. Much more sexy and forbidden even.

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