Blind Date [1]

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"I honestly think this is stupid." I groaned, letting Natali zip up the back of my black dress.

"You've been single for too long and you're honestly annoying the crap out of me, that's how often I see you. This blind date will be good for you!" Natali said with a small giggle.

"I doubt it. I mean, what kind of people go on blind dates anyway?" I looked at myself in the mirror.

"People like you who get forced to go by their annoyed siblings." Natali joked, making me roll my eyes.

Natali was right. I had been single for a long time now and even though I thought I didn't miss dating, it was a lie. I definitely missed dating. I missed waking up next to someone and just doing couple stuff so I spent 98% of my time with Natali and annoyed the crap out of her as a distraction.

"Hurry up, get your ass out of here and meet some nice men and women."


One and a half hours into blind dating random people and I was close to quitting. Nobody had sparked my interest and most of the dates went horribly. I either felt bored or couldn't even have a simple conversation with them. I didn't think this would be so hard.

When the next person sat down in front of me, I couldn't have been less optimistic.

I looked up, not expecting anyone special but when I stared into the mans ocean blue eyes I felt my heart stop for a second. The man gave me a warm smile and stuck his hand out for me to shake. It took me a second to accept it and when our hands touched it felt so right and like I was supposed to hold his hand, like this was what a perfect fit felt like.

"I'm so glad you look normal." He said, making me raise an eyebrow. He blushed. "I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't have the best experiences so far." He explained.

I smiled. "Neither have I." I admitted.

"I'm Bradley, by the way. I'm so sorry, I suck at this. It's been a while." He stuttered.

He was absolutely adorable and so handsome. I made sure not to miss a single movement of his, that's how infatuated I was with him already.

"Stefani." I said.

This is just a short introduction thing I guess. Next one will be after they're both done with meeting other people (usually it's like 10-15 minutes per person before you switch chairs to meet someone else).

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