little runaway [1]

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Bradley's POV:

"No, Irina! I can't take Lea to New York tonight! Don't you understand that I have a job as well?!" I whisper yelled into the phone.

I'd taken Lea to the playground this afternoon since she has been begging me to and it was a sunny day so I couldn't really say no to her big puppy dog eyes and crocodile tears. But then again I could rarely ever say no to her anyway.

Irina had called while Lea was playing with the other kids and of course, something work related came up again.
Her and I had been divorced for three years now and had shared custody over our five year old daughter Lea.
Well, more or less since Irina really didn't spend much time with Lea anymore. She was always gone off for work or simply needed 'time off' and left Lea with me, not that I minded. She was my whole world and I was more than happy to have her with me, but a little free time would be nice from time to time.

I hadn't dated since the divorce and with Irina leaving Lea with me all the time and working a full time job there wasn't much time left for someone else anyway. Hell, I barely had time to myself.

"Too bad, Brad. She'll have to stay with you then. This job is very important to me!" Irina barked back on the other line.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, hanging up the phone without another word. Talking to her was pointless anyway. I wiped over my face with my hand before turning back around towards where Lea was. When I scanned the playground for her and couldn't find her I walked closer to the swings, then the slides and looked around, panicking when I noticed that she wasn't there. "Lea!" I yelled but got no answer.

"Have you seen my daughter?! She's got blonde hair and blue eyes, she's only five!" I asked some mothers who simply shrugged and guided their own kids away from me with judgmental looks on their faces.

I ran a hand through my hair and rushed around the area, trying to find her. I didn't know what to do as the worst scenarios started to pop into my head, the tears rolling down my cheeks while I tried to find my little angel.

Very short, but I don't want to switch POVs in the middle of a chapter! Next one will be longer, I promise :)

I'm also currently working on TWO other books but I'll announce anything in a separate chapter once I decide to publish something new ;)

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