Highway Unicorn (mature)

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I danced around the room with my friends and sipped on my drink, wanting nothing more than to relax for the night. Even though it was October or November by then, I felt warm inside despite my revealing outfit. The taste of whiskey and beer were to blame.

Sarah walked towards me and motioned at a dark figure in the corner of the room. "Bradley has been staring at you for an hour now, haven't you noticed?" Of course I had noticed. Nobody could be in a room with Bradley Cooper without noticing his strong and sexy presence.

"You're both single, you're obviously attracted to each other yet you both won't make a move. Just have sex with the man and get it over with." She rolled her eyes, handing me a second drink, probably for me to give to Bradley, before she walked away again.

I giggled and then made my way towards him. He looked away and when I was in front of him pretended he'd seen me for the first time that night. "You look very..." He started, licking his lips while he let his eyes wander down my body.

"We're grown ups." I handed him the drink and smiled. "You can call me sexy without it being awkward afterwards, Bradley." I said, taking a sip of my whiskey.

He drank his own before dipping down so his lips were at my ear, his breath tickling my neck. "Sexy it is then." He whispered, before pulling away again, with a smirk playing on his lips.

We'd been flirting for a few weeks now, before that we had both been in relationships (unhappy relationships but we still had morals) and nothing was going on, at least not openly. But as soon as the both of us were single again the flirting intensified and got less appropriate and friendly.

I had played with the thought of sleeping with him, but who the fuck hadn't? It was Bradley Cooper, he was talented and extremely sexy. The mere thought of having sex with him drove me crazy, but something was holding me back and I didn't know what it was. Maybe I was just scared it would ruin our friendship somehow and I really valued our friendship a lot.

"Are you trying to make me nervous, Cooper?" I grinned playfully and poked his chest with my pointer finger.

He chuckled. "I would never."

We talked about our jobs and families for a while before his friends joined us. We honestly always had a great time together, no matter where we were. This could've been the most boring party on earth but with Bradley I'd still manage to have a blast.

He whispered a joke into my ear and I laughed, pushing him away from me before smiling up at him. "You're such a dork."

Bradley's hand touched my back and wandered down towards my ass, only stopping right above it. I felt my cheeks flush and my body get hot at the innocent touch.

"You wanna go?" He asked me and I hesitated for a moment, looking at Sarah who only smirked at me. I stuck my tongue out at her in a childish manner before nodding at Bradley, following him outside of the club.

It was cold outside but I was still hot from his touch. When we got into the back of the taxi it simply overcame the both of us. Maybe it was the alcohol in our systems or the sexual tension that had built up to this point but the second we sat down on the black leather seats he grabbed my hips, I straddled him and we started making out on the backseat of the car. The driver probably thought we were just two drunk strangers and ignored us while we got lost in each other. My hands grabbed onto his hair and his were roaming my back and ass, squeezing it in his palms.

"We're here." The taxi driver said after a while, making us pull away from each other. I cleared my throat, fixed my hair and got out of the car, blushing.

Bradley grinned and followed me after paying the driver and letting him drive off again. We giggled like silly teenagers while we ran by the paparazzi snapping pictures of us, into my house. When the door fell shut behind us Bradley pushed me up against it and kissed me again.

The heated make out session was followed by us hastily undressing.

"Keep the tail and fishnet tights on." He mumbled against my lips.

"You kinky shit." I laughed but did as I was told anyway.

I was so lost in the kiss, it took me a second to realize  that he had pulled away and turned me around. My ass was now facing him and I gasped when he ripped the white fishnets open where my entrance was before pressing his prominent bulge against my backside.

I could feel his hot breath against my neck and smiled when he pressed soft kisses on it.

"You have absolutely no idea how much self control it took for me not to fuck your brains out the second I was single again. Damn, those steamy scenes in the movie made me so hard, I had to run off set so many times to pleasure myself while thinking about you." He admitted in a low voice and I moaned at his confession.

"Fuck, that's hot."

Bradley chuckled and pulled away from me only to enter me from behind. I squealed at how big he felt inside of me. He completely stretched me out when he slipped in further and I felt my legs get weak at the feeling I had anticipated for so long now. He definitely didn't disappoint.

"Damn it, you're bigger than I thought you would be." I breathed out and he picked up his pace at that.

Bradley grabbed onto my hair and pulled me towards him making me meet his every thrust. He was going deep and hard, each time harder than the one before and I moaned loudly at how good he felt.
"Don't stop." I hissed and held onto the door handle harder to keep my body up.

"You're even sexier when I fuck you." He groaned and picked up his pace once again.

"God, Bradley!" I yelled when he started ramming into me mercilessly, my body pressed into the door. My front hit the wall with every time he entered me and I'm pretty sure the paparazzi outside could hear the loud sounds we were making. I tried to hold onto Bradley but it was impossible for me to keep myself up any longer. Bradley noticed that too probably, because he quickly picked me up and threw me on the couch. He took a moment to look at me. My hair was all over the place, my lipstick smudged from kissing and my skin sweaty, yet he looked at me as if I was the most precious thing he'd ever seen.

"You're so beautiful." He groaned out and kissed me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and made him enter me again, moaning through the kiss. "And so tight, Jesus." He cursed, fucking me again.

When we both were close to cumming he let his hand wander down to my clit and rubbed me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and my entire body started shaking when I came all over him. Not long after that he also came inside of me and his body collapsed on top of mine. We were both breathing heavily, trying to catch our breaths.

"I could fuck you for the rest of my life and I'd never get tired of it. You're perfect." He said, kissing me, before slipping out of me again.

I bit my lip and spread my legs for him, our juices spilling out of me. "I'd be fine with that." I moaned out and he immediately attacked my lips again, slipping back inside of me.

Round two, I guess.

Uh, hi. This was very awkward. I don't consider myself a good writer so writing SMUT is even worse to me. I literally suck and it's going to be cringe every time but I think I'll get better eventually? Let's pray lmao

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