The Fall Of Enigma Popstar (mild smut)

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And then, with a loud 'thud' my body collided with the hard floor. For a moment, all I could feel was a harsh pain consuming my entire body, making me groan out in pain before I remembered where I was and who could see me.

So I did what I did best: I put on a smile and continued with my show, reassuring the fan it was all good. I forced my sore and stiff body through another hour of intense dancing and several costume changes until the lights dimmed down and my dancers and I rushed backstage.

Sarah was by my side almost immediately and guided me to the backstage room. When she shut the door it was silent and I carefully sat down on my couch, whining when my back hit the cold back of the leather couch. It felt good against my already bruising back.

"Hey, careful. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked, rubbing my shoulder. "Are you in pain? Do you think something's broken or sprained?" She motioned towards my hip and I shook my head.

"No, I don't think anything happened." I mumbled and rubbed my tired eyes. "I'll get dressed and we can leave." I said. Sarah nodded and left, the door shutting behind her.

I buried my face in my hands and slipped out of the tight bra, throwing over a long shirt and slipping on some shorts.

"I'm pretty sure your back hurts a lot more than you let Sarah know." My head snapped up at Bradley's voice and I immediately wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm okay, now that you're here." I buried my face in his neck and breathed in his cologne, instantly relaxing against his body.

Bradley's hands traveled down my shirt, gently rubbing my bruised back. I groaned in pain and pushed him away a bit, rubbing my temples, while pacing around the room. "I don't know what's more terrifying to me: the fact that this happened on the first night of Enigma and it's all over the internet already or the fact that I don't know if my hip is going to be okay." I let out a sigh.

Bradley grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him, making me look at him. He pushed some hair behind my ears and grabbed my face in both of his palms. "We're going to get it checked and nobody's going to care about the video in a few days. You know how the internet works." He rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs before placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"You're right." I nodded, giving him a small smile. "What are you even doing here?"

He chuckled, sitting down on the couch, making me sit on his lap. I ignored the pain I was in as he grabbed my hips, his fingers softly trying to ease my tense muscles. "I can't stay away from you for longer than a day and as soon as I saw the video and the fall I knew you needed me."

I finally gave into my emotions and the pain I was in and sobbed, eventually crying into his chest. He rubbed my back and let me cry. He always knew what I needed and when I needed it, which is why he was always there when I needed him most as well.

"I don't want to be tense and stiff all the time, I'm in so much pain and I don't want to be." I sniffed, making him nod and sigh.

"If I could I'd take all of your pain away, but I'll make sure they find out how to help you. For now, I'll run you a hot bath at the hotel and massage you, how does that sound?" He placed a kiss on my cheek before getting up with me on top of him, carrying me out of the room.

"Oh my god, let me down, everyone's staring!" I gasped and hit his shoulder, smiling widely at him anyway. I giggled when he refused and stopped fighting him.

"Oh come on, you've never cared about what people think of you." He grinned and I agreed, yet I didn't know if any fans were waiting for me in front of the back entrance of the arena. Chances were high there were and when Bradley opened the door for us and everyone outside erupted in loud screams. Bradley let me down, even though by now, they'd taken a dozen photos of Bradley carrying me outside. We hadn't come out as a couple officially, since we didn't feel like the time was right yet, but now it was almost obvious so we didn't try to keep to ourselves anymore. When I saw Bradley hesitate, I grabbed his hand, intertwined our fingers and guided him over to the fence, where fans were crying and waving their CDs or magazines at me.

I signed a few, took a few selfies with them and made small talk, Bradley staying close by, watching me with a smile.

"Oh my god, are you and Bradley dating?" An excited Fan asked while I signed her Joanne CD and I looked back at Bradley, smiling and turning back to her with a smile again, nodding. "Yeah."

Some of them squealed excitedly and I noticed that some told others, who then screamed excitedly as well. I only stopped signing stuff and taking pictures when Bradley carefully rubbed my shoulders, making me turn towards him. "You need to rest, baby. Let's go." He shot me a worried look and I sighed, nodding. I hated leaving my fans. They were the reason I got to do what I loved every single day of my life but I also knew that Bradley was right, I needed to rest.

"Thank you so so much for coming to the show tonight and for being so lovely! I hope to see you all again very soon, I love you!" I blew them some kisses before I let Bradley guide me over to his car.


I closed my eyes and let my body slip further down into the bathtub, filled with hot water and bubbles, as I let out a deep breath, enjoying the relief of at least some of the pain.

"How are you feeling?" Bradley asked, kissing the top of my head.

I smiled up at him. "Better. I can't really relax though. I really want to check social media, but I know I shouldn't." I frowned at the memory of the fall. "He feels miserable. I feel like it's my fault, I shouldn't have jumped on him and I should've been more careful." I rambled on before Bradley stopped me, leaning over the bathtub to face me completely.

"It's not your fault. Accidents happen and I'm sure he doesn't blame you. Nobody does." He kissed me leaving his forehead pressed against mine. "You need to relax and I know what will take your mind off of things." He kissed me again, this time a bit more eager than before, before he pulled his own shirt over his head. When he was fully naked, he slipped into the bathtub behind me. I leaned against his chest and bit my lip when I felt his hand travel down my stomach before finally reaching my sweet spot.

He placed soft kisses down my neck as he started to rub me, starting out slow before slipping his fingers into me completely. I let out a soft moan and relaxed against him, bending my legs a little to grant him more access. He used the space I gave him to go even deeper, his thumb simultaneously rubbing circles around my clit. My chest rose and fell at the harsh breaths I took and I shut my eyes tightly, throwing my head back against his chest, leaving it in the crook of his neck.

"Cum for me, baby." He whispered against my ear and that's all it took to unfold the knot in my stomach and make me release all over his fingers.

"Feeling any better yet?" He chuckled against my ear when I relaxed again.

"You always know how to make me feel better."

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