wedding bells (mature)

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Weddings had to be the most boring and unromantic place there could be. Especially if the groom was your cheating ex and you'd just caught the bride sucking one of the guests dicks in the bathroom. That would be called appropriate karma in Stefani's eyes.

Stefani sat in her chair, the diamonds of the chandelier hung above her head blinded her one too many times while children friendly music was playing and she was sipping on her straight whiskey.

What she was doing at her ex boyfriends wedding? The cheating bride was her best friend or at least that's who Sarah thought she was. Truth be told, Stefani hated her and secretly wished good old Sarah and her unfortunately still attractive husband James would disappear off of the face of the earth. The only reason she even still hung around the pair was the fact that planning weddings was her job and happy customers paid better. So she kept them happy until the nice sum of money was beaming at her from her bank account.

Stefani turned in her chair, angrily sipped on her free drink (whiskey just tasted better when it was free) and watched Sarah and James dance. It would've been a beautiful scene to watch if it wasn't for the fact that both of them were absolute assholes and incapable of working out as a couple. Or if they were just decent human beings.

Stefani let out a scoff before finishing her drink and placing the empty crystal glass on the bar counter behind herself. Of course, everything about their wedding had to be over the top dramatic and equally as expensive. Stefani wasn't bitter at all, she was glad she didn't have to marry either James or Sarah, but she still felt oddly uncomfortable in their presence. His parents staring at her from across the room didn't help much either. She'd been their favorite and when she'd disappeared without another word James probably didn't throw himself under the bus and told them it was solely his fault she did. They either hated her now or they still had no clue as to why her and sunny boy broke up in the first place.

"I've never seen anyone look so mad at a wedding before." She heard a deep voice close to her ear and jumped a little before her eyes snapped to her side.

The gorgeous man next to her gave her a side grin and stared at her with the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. She was sure they were fake, they couldn't be real, right? "Excuse me?" She asked.

Bradley chuckled quietly before nodding his head towards the dance floor once. "You've been giving them death stares for about ten minutes now. If looks could kill they'd probably be bite sized pieces of meat by now." He said, leaning closer to her face. "Why is that?" He could barely take his eyes off of the brunette beauty in front of him. Her green eyes were big and her lips perfectly shaped and plump. None of his thoughts involving her lips were appropriate or child friendly.

Stefani swallowed nervously at the tone of his low voice so close to her face and then shrugged. "The groom is my ex." She explained in a quiet voice, so nobody could eavesdrop on them. "But I'm also the wedding planner and need them to pay me before I can announce that I caught Sarah sucking someone else's dick in one of the bathrooms just ten minutes ago." She added, making Bradley chuckle. What an attractive sound that was.

"Not surprising. I heard James has got a small dick." He shrugged.

Stefani let out an involuntary giggle and hid her mouth behind her hand to keep the loud laugh inside that was trying to escape. "Well, you heard right." She still said.

The rest of the guests clapped after Sarah and James successfully got through their special first dance and people quickly rushed to the dance floor as the lights dimmed and more upbeat music started playing. "Do you really want to be here right now?" Bradley asked her, his breath hitting her ear.

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