little runaway [4]

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Bradley stopped the car and turned off the engine, engulfing us in a comfortable silence. I gasped at the view of town we got from where we were.

"This is stunning

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"This is stunning. How did you find this place?" I asked while I still looked out into the night, the flickering lights casting a light glow over our faces.

"Lea loves car rides and when she was still a little baby she'd only calm down if I took her on a road trip and that's when I stumbled upon this hill. She loved it so much that when she got older she kept asking me to bring her here and it's kind of become our secret safe spot." He smiled at me and I finally tore my eyes off of the view to look at him. "You look beautiful in those lights, by the way." He added, making me blush again.

"Stop complimenting me!" I whined and hid my face in my hands with a giggle.

Bradley just chuckled and opened the car door, jumping out of it. "Come on." He said and I got out as well, joining him at the front of the car. We leaned against it and I brushed some hair behind my ear that the wind messed up.

"Now tell me, how many women have been up here with you?" I teased him, slightly turning towards him.

Bradley chuckled. "Believe it or not, just Lea and you."

"Oh, come on, that's a blatant lie. I bet you've had many women wrapped around your finger." I protested and tapped his chest with my pointer finger.

"I'm basically a single father and that doesn't really leave me much free time. Plus, somehow having a five year old kid isn't really a turn on to that many women." He shrugged. "I haven't been on an actual date in two years or something."

"Don't you have someone who could watch her?" I raised a brow.

"My mom does watch her while I work, but I also didn't really feel the need to push a woman into Lea's life unless I felt like it could get serious, which is why it's been very silent in my love life for those years. I just don't think dating for fun is good for myself or for her." He sighed.

"Okay, but you did have sex, right?"

I gasped when he shook his head and groaned. "No! I don't do one night stands or shit like that but there's no need for you to remind me of how tragic my love life is, I know!" He chuckled.

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that." I explained through soft giggles.

"Oh, lies. You just wanted to see me embarrassed." He smirked.

"I did not!" I complained and pressed my hand against his chest to push him, making the both of us laugh again.

Instead of pulling my hand away again though, I left it there and smiled up at him.

"Go out with me." He suddenly said, surprising me at how unexpected it was.

"What?" I asked, smiling.

"On a date, I mean. Go on an actual date with me. I want to make you laugh like that all the time." He mumbled the last part, making me blush.

I got lost in his blue eyes for a second and nodded. I felt oddly comfortable and safe around him, despite the fact that we knew each other for barely a few hours now and I was curious to find out more about him. "Okay." I said.

Bradley smiled and winked at me. "See, I still got it!" He joked and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Get back in the car and take me home now." I giggled and pushed him away, getting into the car.

All of these chapters are a bit short, I apologize.

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