best friends brother [6]

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"I really don't want to go." Bradley mumbled into my hair, pressing a kiss to it. Our arms were wrapped around each other in a tight hug and I held back a sob, my eyes shut tightly to hold back more tears.

The airport was filled with people and I knew they recognized me but I couldn't care less at the moment. All I cared about was Bradley and how much I'd miss him and being this close to him. "I wish I could come with you and just forget about who I am and what I'm doing for a living and start a whole new life." I confessed, letting out a sigh.

Bradley chuckled. "I'm sure your little monsters would be very sad and also very mad at me for stealing you away from them!" He joked, pushing me away a bit to get a good look at me. He wiped some tears off of my cheeks and smiled.

"I'll be off from work in two weeks and we'll make it work, okay?" He said, sighing when he saw my bottom lip quiver. "Hey, don't look so sad. I don't want to leave you here like this." He pressed his forehead against mine and I immediately pressed my lips against his in a needy and longing kiss. I wanted to savor his taste because I didn't know when I'd get to kiss him again.

"I'm fine. We'll see each other again, right?" I asked, letting out a sigh.

"Of course." He assured me with another smile.

"Bradley we really have to go!" Holly yelled and rushed towards their gate.

Bradley groaned and placed another kiss on my lips before we finally let go. "I'll call once I've landed!" He said and I waved, plopping down onto a bench and crying some more before I could calm down enough to leave the airport.

I couldn't believe our time in paradise was officially over. We were going back to our normal and separate lives and as much as I'd love to believe that we could work, I knew that it was almost impossible. My job and my life were both complicated, even more so than what he knew about and saw. A few people snapping pictures of us or some fans asking for photos and autographs around here was nothing compared to what went down back in America. The fans were crazier, the paparazzo more aggressive and my working schedule left little to no free time for myself, which was why my past relationships all had failed. It wasn't just the men and their needs, it was also me and what priorities I'd set for myself: work came first, before anyone else, including myself.


"Hey mom." I wrapped my arms around her in a loving hug and smiled.

"I've missed you, Loopy. Bobby called and told me to let you know that you have a meeting tomorrow at 8." She said. "Thought I'd tell you now before I forget and he murders me." She giggled.

I forced a smile onto my lips and nodded. "I'll text him. Thanks."

"How was your time on the Caribbean islands? Tell me everything."

And I did. I told her about how I met Holly at a bar one evening and how we got along so well immediately. I told her about Gloria, her amazing sandwiches and about how I thought her and my mom would get along perfectly as well and I told her about Bradley and our time together. My moms face lit up at the mention of a new man in my life since I'd been very reserved since my last engagement had failed and the smile never left her face while I told her what an amazing and loving man he really was.

"He lives in Arizona." I finished, the sadness evident in my voice.

"Oh, Loopy. Did I ever tell you that your dad also lived about 2500 miles away from me? And look where we are now! Love always finds a way." She smiled, grabbing my hand in hers. "I know our lives are very different and it might seem impossible to you now but you've conquered way tougher situations before."

I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Thanks momma." I was glad she was with me now. I wouldn't of known what to do without her by my side now.


"I'm in Arizona." His deep voice rang through the phone speakers and I smiled. I didn't know how much I'd really missed it until now.

"How is it?" I asked. I was laying in bed and cuddled into the sheets more.

"Fucking humid and warm. It's also missing something very important." He said.

I raised a brow and giggled. "What?"


I bit my lip and smiled widely. "New York's also very lonely without you." I sighed.

"We might have to change that very soon then. Can't have you feeling lonely for too long!" He chuckled.

We talked for a while before we both were too tired to keep going and said our goodbyes. The second I hung up though, I felt as if the silence swallowed me whole. It felt suffocating and I hid my face into the pillow, groaning. I didn't know how long it took but I laid in bed until the tiredness consumed me and I finally fell asleep, dreaming of what life would be like with Bradley by my side.

This will come to and end soon, I think.

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