After [Epilogue]

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3 years later...

"I can't believe we're going to be parents." Bradley smiled widely and let his eyes wander from my stomach up to my face.

I simply groaned at his enthusiasm and held my huge and extremely heavy stomach. "I can't fucking wait until I can press this 4 pound watermelon out of my vagina." I grumbled, making Bradley laugh.

"Well, I'm certainly glad that I don't have to go through this." He joked.

"Next time we create a child, you'll be the pregnant one and I'll make sure of it." I glared at his adorable face.

"Babe, I'm not sure you've understood how it all works." He pressed a kiss to my temple with a chuckle.

"Make me some food." I pouted and batted my eyelashes at him with my bottom lip sticking out.

"What's the magic word?"

"Make me some food, or you won't get sex ever again." I warned.

"The magic word was 'goose' but close enough." He joked, getting up from the couch and making his way into the kitchen to make me some food.


"Oh my fucking god, oh fuck, oh god, I think I'll pass out!" Bradley said while we rushed through the emergency section of the hospital.

"Calm down, I'm the one in pain and you're breathing heavier than I am." I giggled a bit, wiping some sweat off of my forehead.

Bradley immediately stopped breathing before I nudged his side. "Oh my god, Bradley! I didn't say stop breathing all together!"

He looked stressed, nervous but also excited which was everything I was feeling as well.

"You're gonna give birth to a fucking baby in a few hours, I can't believe we made a baby!" He almost yelled out in excitement.

I got wheeled into a room and while they attached me to several machines and explained the procedures to me, Bradley held my hand. He only ever let go when they had to do something on that arm and then immediately went back to holding it.

"We didn't even think about names." He suddenly said, making me roll my eyes. He was absolutely adorable but also extremely annoying.

"How about watermelon four pound baby?" I joked, making him glare at me.

"Not funny!" He said but chuckled anyway.

Another contraction hit me and I shut my eyes in pain, breathing in and out the way the nurses told me to whenever one came.

"Do you need anything? I really want to help." Bradley said, worried about me.

I gave him a soft smile and shook my head. "No, just stay here and calm down okay? I'll be fine." I assured him. He pulled a chair closer to the bed, sat down on it and held my hand, occasionally kissing it and constantly smiling at me. He truly made me feel like a goddess and I realized once again how lucky I was to have him. I was so lucky that he'd survived, that he was doing better than ever. He'd make the most incredible father ever and he was already the most amazing husband there was. "Hey Bradley?"

"What? Are you in pain? Do you need water? Is it coming?" He gently lifted the blanket a bit to check.

I laughed and hit his arm with my free hand. "No you idiot!" He let out a relived sigh before settling down again. "I just thought of a name for our boy."

"You think it's a boy?" He asked, surprised at my guess.

I nodded. "I have a feeling."

"What name have you gotten in mind then?" He squeezed my hand and placed another kiss on it.

"How about Emerson?" I asked, thinking about it. "Emerson Cooper. Em Cooper. He'd have a great name in case he wants to become an actor or rapper." I joked.

Bradley chuckled. "I like Emerson, it's very weird which is on brand for you."

"How is it weird?" I laughed. "It's a very popular name actually!"

"Call him Em C Hammer, that's a good one!" He joked, kissing my hand again, probably out of pure reflex by now.

"Bradley?" I groaned, closing my eyes.

"Oh my god, it's a contraction now, right?" He panicked immediately and rang for a nurse. "What do I do? Do I pull the baby out or-"

The nurse who came in chuckled and told him to sit back down while she fiddled with the IVs and measured my blood pressure.


"I won't be as tight as I was before anymore cause I feel like this baby is as big as a whole fucking tire!" I warned Bradley who laughed and I even heard the nurse next to me keep in a giggle.

The doctor shook his head and then looked up at me again. "I can assure you, Mrs. Cooper, that your baby is a normal size."

I groaned and grabbed Bradley's arm when I pushed again. I was sure he'd have bruises from it the next day but I couldn't help it. This had to be the most overwhelming pain I'd ever been in. My hip was killing me.

"I think I'm about to pass out." I huffed out and pushed again. "If I push again the blood will just stay in my head and I'll forever look like a walking ketchup bottle."

Bradley snorted next to me and kissed my forehead. "I'll gladly be the mayonnaise to your ketchup then, baby. You have to push again, though. Can you do that for me?" He asked, with a grin on his face.

I took in a deep breath but nodded. "You're more of a mustard type of skin tone but okay."

The doctor chuckled and smiled widely when I pushed a last time and the baby finally popped out.

"Oh my god, it's out of me! I pushed a baby out of my vagina, Bradley! Can you believe it?" I almost yelled, making everyone laugh.

"I was here to witness it, so yes, I believe you." He chuckled and kissed me softly.

They did all the check ups that were necessary until I could finally hold our baby boy in my arms and yes my prediction was right. Of course it was!

"Hi, Emerson! You're so handsome! Oh and so tiny!" I cooed, showing him to Bradley who wiped a tear away.

"You look just like your mother."

"Liar, he looks like you. Look at those blue eyes!" I gasped when I noticed them and for the second time in my life I fell in love. "Bradley, I'm so proud of us. Look at what we made! He's stunning and he's healthy." I sobbed now, not believing my own eyes.

A few years ago this wouldn't have been possible, not even close to possible. We were both a mess, didn't know if we'd make it through another day with each other. We forgot how to love each other because we forgot to love ourselves.

After Bradley's last rehab stay he didn't even think about touching another bottle of alcohol. He didn't think about leaving me or his family behind anymore. We'd gone through rough times and family therapy sessions and we both didn't have it easy but when I found out I was pregnant it all suddenly fell into place. It was like that was what Bradley needed and wanted all his life. And it was what we needed to get our shit together again and we did. We'd never been this happy, not even when we started dating. We were more in love and happier than ever and we were ready to share our love with our baby boy.

A quick ending I guess!

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