Robot Man [2]

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"What charity event?" I asked Sarah who stood in front of my apartment door with her entire make up suitcase next to her.

I was still in my pajamas, my brown hair was up in a messy bun and my breath smelled like microwave chili. "Don't tell me you forgot! Bobby organized this months ago!" She said while pushing herself past me and into my messy living room. I quickly hid a bag of crisps behind my bag and dropped it into the trash can when she didn't look. I had promised to stop eating junk, yet I couldn't help myself. It was a guilty pleasure of mine. Especially those damn BBQ flavored crisps. Stupid crisps.

"Oh, the disabled workshop is today?" I asked and she simply shook her head at me. I wiped over my tired eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry, there's been a lot going on lately and time flew by so fast, it simply slipped my mind."

Sarah smiled and patted the chair so I could sit down on it. "Don't worry, that's why I'm here, right? We'll fix..." she paused and grabbed a piece of my hair. "This...and then we'll drive there together, just let me work my magic." She smiled at me through the mirror of her make up table and I nodded.

"Now tell me, what's going on between you and Christian?" She asked. She grabbed my bun and opened it, letting my hair down. Luckily I already had a shower so I didn't have to do that anymore.

"We broke up." I simply said and Sarah stopped. She let out a shocked gasp and looked at me through the mirror.

"What? And you didn't tell me? What happened? Are you okay?" She rambled, in her cute worried tone.

I simply smiled at her. "It's not a big deal. We both saw it coming, Sarah. We haven't been in love for months now and every time we spent time alone it was just awkward. There wasn't anything left to fight for and we both decided to go our separate ways." I shrugged, gently rubbing the finger where my engagement ring once was out of pure habit.

"Just because it wasn't a bad breakup doesn't mean you have to be okay!" She said, continuing on my hair and make up. We'd decided on keeping it simple, I didn't need a lot of glam to feel good lately and it was a nice break for my skin as well.

"I am okay, though. It was quiet and lonely the first two days but I'm fine now, really." I assured her and she let the topic slide. We continued talking about her and Tim and their baby plans while she finished my make up.

It ended up being a bit of brown eyeshadow and glitter on top of my lid, some mascara and she left my skin natural. I was just walking out of the bathroom when Sarah rushed towards me with the matching pair of heels for my dress. Since this was a charity event and I'd gone to the last one in a hoodie and with no pants on I'd decided to dress up this time. Maybe I also wanted to since I was single again and didn't want to scare men away with my 'Lady fucking Gaga' hoodie. It was kind of narcissistic but I couldn't help it. I was Lady Fucking Gaga after all.

I slipped the heels on and ran my hands over the black satin mini dress. It hugged my curves perfectly and Sarah let out a flirty whistle, making me giggle. "If I wasn't married already I'd call dibs on you." She joked and I followed her outside and into a black car.

Sarah sat down next to me to hand me the papers I needed for tonight and I quickly skimmed over them again. I thankfully didn't have to hold a speech myself, but I still needed and wanted to know everything about the charity event and the disabled people workshop we were visiting. It was a place for mentally and physically disabled men, women and young adults that was also connected to a school and kindergarten, where they'd be able to live a relatively normal life and work like everyone else. They got supervised and supported as much as possible and some of the kids actually managed to go to college, despite being 'different'.

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