Exclusive (mature)

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This was requested by @georgiaawoolley ☺️

The dinner party was already at its peak and I found myself looking over at Bradley a lot more frequently than appropriate.

The room was filled with celebrities, journalists and other important people, including Bradley Cooper himself. The man of the hour or at least my hour, every single one of them. Despite the fact that I was happily (more or less) engaged to Christian, I found myself wanting to be closer to Bradley. He wasn't just my co star or friend, he was also my best friend and soulmate.

Before tonight I could avoid him, blame my feelings on working with him in such an intimate way and I blamed it on the movie being my first real acting role, yet I had to find out that that wasn't the case. The attraction I felt towards him didn't have anything to do with the movie or the role I was playing alongside him. It was all me, not Ally or anyone else. Just me and I couldn't make up any excuses anymore. So I stayed away from him for the night.

We exchanged some looks, some more innocent than others and Bradley occasionally brushed his hand against mine in a suggesting manner, but I'd pretended not to notice anything.

When dessert arrived at our table and I was on my third glass of whiskey and second glass of red wine I was definitely not sober anymore. I was joking around with Sarah and bit my lip with a childish giggle when I noticed Bradley looking at me again. I glared at him and raised an eyebrow, mouthing a What? his way.

He simply grinned and looked away again with a shrug.

"Hey Stef! How are you and Christian doing?" Tom asked. He'd been a friend of mine for a while and gave me a hard time when it came to my choice of men.

"Good." I rolled my eyes, taking another sip of my whiskey.

"How's the sex?" He wiggled his brows and I saw Bradley shift in his seat from the corner of my eyes.

I blushed. "Tom!" I laughed to brush the question off, making everyone at the table laugh at our little banter. He held his hands up in a defeated way and chuckled.

"I'm just saying! I'm pretty sure the sex must be great for you to stay with him for that long." He teased. I knew he didn't like Chris that much, in fact none of my friends really did. I didn't blame them, he'd never liked any of my friends either. He was very jealous and overprotective and tried to keep me all to himself whenever he could.

"It's mediocre." I groaned, making Sarah next to me gasp at my reveal. I simply shrugged and continued drinking. I knew the alcohol had loosened me up a bit too much at this point and my mouth just had a mind of it's own.

Tom grinned and decided to milk the topic a bit more. "Mediocre? How so? Can't he make you cum?"

Everyone's eyes were on me at this point but it's not like I cared about people's opinions of me anyway. "Not really. Maybe 2 times out of 100." I giggled. "He's actually never managed to make me cum when he gave me head." I spilled, making Sarah scowl at me and Tom burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! How?! That's horrible! How are you surviving?" He reached over to get closer to me and I laughed with him.

"Masturbation, Tom! That's how." I suggestively held up two fingers, making Sarah gasp as she pulled my hand down again and shushed me to keep me quiet.

"You two are unbelievable! This isn't high school! Stefani Joanne, everyone's gonna talk about this now." Sarah scolded at me while Tom and I tried to contain our laughter.

"We're sorry." I said. She took the glass of whiskey out of my hand and glared at me.

"No more of this for you tonight, missy." She warned and I rolled my eyes.

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