getaway (mature)

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Stefani let out a groan and rolled her eyes when the red and blue lights of a police siren illuminated the inside of her car, signaling for her to stop.

She stopped at the right side of the road and rubbed her temples, rolling down her window when there was a knock on it.

The country roads were empty at around 3 in the morning and even though she was usually a very cautious and safe driver, all she wanted that day was to get home as fast as possible, which led her to speed down the land road much faster than she was allowed to go.

A very attractive male bent lower to be able to peek into her car and smiled at the flustered beauty inside of it. "I need to see your license and papers, please." He said, writing something down.

"Look, I am so sorry, but I can't risk losing my license right now. I have a job to get to and bills to pay-" she started explaining.

Officer Bradley Cooper has heard it all before: my mom is at the hospital, she's dying. My dog needs to be fed. I have an important appointment, but what came out of Stefani's mouth next was new.

"And I'm super tired and frustrated and I went too fast, I know, but I really want to take a shower and get off to some porn." She spilled, instantly blushing when she noticed what she'd said. "Oh god, I mean-"

Bradley chuckled and opened the car door for her. "Walk a straight line from here to over there to my car." He said.

"I'm not drunk! Or on drugs! I promise!" She said, still getting out of her car anyway. Bradley followed her to his large police truck and opened the trunk for her to sit inside of.

"Open your mouth, please." He said, rolling his eyes when she crossed her arms in front of her chest. God, she was annoying but unfortunately also extremely hot, which made it harder for him to stay mad at her disobedience.

"I told you I'm not drunk." She glared up at him.

"Then cooperate and we won't have a problem." Bradley sighed.

The sight of Stefani opening her mouth, her tongue sticking out for him a little while she was sat in front of him was so sexy to him. He couldn't help the thoughts from swirling around his head and before he could stop himself he was already painfully hard. When he pulled the cotton stick out of her mouth her eyes wandered down to his pants. "Since you went way too fast I'll have to charge you 250$-" he started explaining.

Stefani's eyes widened as she jumped up to stand right in front of him now. "250$?! Are you joking? Can't we discuss this? I said I was sorry!" She begged him.

Bradley shook his head. "I'm just doing my job here, ma'am."

Stefani rolled her eyes before her hand reached between them, grabbing his erection which was pretty noticeable through his pants. Bradley stiffened and Stefani smiled up at him. "Is this also part of your job?" She asked. "Getting hard for me." She gently traced the dent in his trousers with her fingers. She never saw herself having to seduce a police officer out of a fine but she'd also never dealt with a hot police officer before while she was horny to begin with on top of it all.

Bradley swallowed hard at how turned on he was by this before he took a step back, glaring at her. "You wanna play? Fine. Adding 'seduction of a police officer' to the list."

"How about I let you fuck me and we'll get rid of that list?" She asked, snatching the notebook from him.

"Give me that back!" He complained, groaning when she slid it into her pencil skirt. She looked dangerously sexy in her office work attire, the loose bun on top of her head and faded lipstick. "Miss Germanotta." He warned.

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