best friends brother [7]

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Bobby groaned when he finally managed to shut the door behind us and the sounds of flashing cameras and rude comments and questions were drowned out. "They've been crazy lately!" He complained and was on his phone, making a call immediately.

I rubbed my temples and nodded. I hadn't been able to get a free minute in almost a week due to new projects, tv appearances and gigs all over New York. Even though I really loved performing for my fans and writing music, I wished the whole trouble around it would be gone. I didn't really appreciate my vacation time as much as I should've while it lasted and deeply regretted it now.

It's been over two months since I've met Bradley and also since I've seen him. It was completely my fault. I had pushed him away, rarely texted or called back and when I did it was short and unsatisfying. He'd sent me little gifts to brighten up my days and really tried to keep in touch like we promised each other we would, but I simply couldn't do it. The minute I got back to America and was hit with the harsh reality of what I did for a living made me realize that I wasn't sure if I wanted to drag Bradley into all of this. I wasn't worth all of the stuff he'd have to go through, was I?


I plopped down on my bed and let out a groan. I was glad to finally be home and in my own bed, but the sudden change from being adored and swooned all day to coming home to an empty and silent house made me feel rather lonely. I stared at the ceiling and covered my body with the white sheets, sighing. I wished he was here to hold me and ask me about my day. I stared at the phone for a minute but then decided against texting or calling him. It would be incredibly selfish of me to drag him into this life just because I didn't want to be alone at night.

I missed him. I missed the simplicity and normalcy of our time together. No one to crowd me, to yell my name in sixteen different accents, no blinding camera flashes or interviews before sunrise. I felt normal and in love. I was in love with him and it scared and saddened me because we'd never work. He wouldn't be able to cope with all of this and I honestly didn't expect him to. He was a simple guy, with a normal job and an average family and friends who also wouldn't be too crazy about getting photographed while they're shopping for toilet paper or something.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand and I grabbed it, reading the text.

Currently thinking about the little chocolate treats they gave away for free at the hotel lobby. They were better than the actual desserts they served at the hotel. - B

I giggled at his text and then locked my phone again, wondering about what he was thinking about all of this. Was he in love with me as well and was this as hard for him as it was for me?

Next one will be very fucking cute and also...there will be smut 😌

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