break up, make up

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I wiped some tears away and put the pint of uncooked cookie dough down on the table, when the doorbell rang. I pulled my oversized jacket closer to my body, zipping it up before I opened the door, revealing Bradley.

He was the last person I'd wanted to see. Christian and I broke up. He was sure of the fact that I was cheating on him with Bradley. He said it was obvious, that I'd never looked at him the way I looked at Bradley and that he couldn't handle the rumors and the fame anymore. So I gave him the engagement ring back and he left me. It seemed so easy for him. He probably had it planned for months now, but it hit me like a fucking brick. Right in the face.

So I'd spent the past three hours on my couch, eating every ounce of junk food I could find and just cried my eyes out. I didn't look my best and I sure as hell didn't feel like it.

"I heard about your break up." He simply said in that soothing, deep voice of his. I hated how caring and loving he was. It made me want to cry even more.

I nodded. "Who told you?"

"Your mom." Of course.

My mom was thrilled when she heard that Christian and I broke up. She fell in love with the idea of Bradley and I the second she laid eyes on him, so of course she ran straight to him when she found out I was 'finally single' again.

"You know, Irina and I broke up too, only recently. I know how hard it can be." He explained. I remembered how devastated he was, even though he was the one who broke it off. Irina was a bitch, but I could see why she hated me, which made me wonder if Bradley and Is connection really was that obvious and if I really had feelings for him. Him being here made me wonder about it even more. Fuck.

"I don't need any advice, Bradley." I mumbled, hugging myself. My jacket almost swallowed me up completely. It was one of my dads old jackets and I always wore it whenever I needed comfort but he couldn't be there to hug me. It still smelled like him.

He mustered me. "Can I come in?" He motioned towards my messy living room and I stepped aside, allowing him in, even though I didn't think it was a good idea. Truth was, I couldn't deny Bradley anything, even if I tried. He had me wrapped around his finger. Damn him and his stupid charm.

He picked up some trash and threw it away, making me raise an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

He chuckled and grabbed my shoulders, shoving me towards the bathroom. "You, my dear friend, need to take a hot bath. I'll bring you some champagne and then I'll massage you because crying makes you tense. Believe me, I know." He mumbled the last part and I immediately tensed up even more. Shoutout to my body for betraying me like that.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I protested and he turned me towards him. It was a great idea, I just didn't want him to be right.

"It's a wonderful idea, Stef." He smiled and I groaned before shutting the bathroom door in his stupidly handsome face and getting undressed.

When I was inside of the hot water and the bubbles covered my naked body, Bradley came back with a glass of champagne in his hand. I grabbed it and took a sip of it. "Thanks." I mumbled. I usually wasn't uncomfortable being naked around people since it was part of my job most of the time and I also had been naked or half naked around Bradley before for the movie, yet being naked around him now made me nervous for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that this wasn't Ally and Jackson but Bradley and I without cameras surrounding us.

Bradley sat down on the edge of the tub and sighed. "Your mom said Christian broke up with you because of me." He said. "What did he say, exactly?"

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. It's not true." I said. It didn't matter, because I didn't have feelings for him. Did I? I mentally cursed my mom out for telling him. It was none of her business and I knew she meant well but it was simply out of line.

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