New Guy 3/?

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"It was in September, 2014. That's the first time I noticed something odd was happening at home. I lived with my family which consisted of my father, mom and little sister and we had never gotten into trouble, had lots of friends and a great life, honestly." Bradley smiled at the memory of them even though it was a painful one.

Stefani listened to him in high interest. He hadn't spoken to her a lot yet but his voice was nice to listen to and she could barely tear her eyes away from his lips.

"That day, my window was open even though I was sure I had closed it before. The next few weeks I noticed cars driving around the house that I didn't recognize, things inside of the house missing. My sister told me that she'd noticed someone watching her sometimes and we were all freaked out. My father invested in a better security system and locks but they didn't help. It only got worse." He paused.

"Oh god." Stefani felt for him. She couldn't imagine feeling unsafe in her own home.

"On the 6th of October the same year, I came home to find my entire family dead." He swallowed and Stefani gasped. "Murdered. But for some reason they didn't kill me. That's when I got the first text. It said: who are they going to suspect first?" He sighed. "So, I ran. I was young and I couldn't let this ruin my life and I knew they were right. Whoever had killed them was right: they would suspect me first and I was almost 100 percent sure they would arrest me and I'd have to spend the rest of my life in prison. I moved, changed my name, got a new job and tried to start a new life in a new town."

Stefani nodded. "What happened after that?"

"The texts continued. Some didn't make much sense to me at the time but others described things that had happened to me in the past, things no one could possibly know about. They knew where I was and what I was doing at all times. I tried to ignore them and I met a girl whom I fell in love with. We went out on dates and did normal stuff, all while I was pretending to be someone else and then I came home to find her murdered in my house."

Stefani couldn't believe this was happening to him, to her right now. This was seriously insane.

"And I got the same text: who are they going to suspect first? So, here I am." He groaned. "And I really wish we could get to know each other and don't get me wrong, you're very beautiful and those cupcakes were amazing, but I can't risk losing someone else. Every second you spend with me could put you in danger."

"Did you get any texts lately?" She asked, ignoring his warnings.

"Not since the last murder." He shook his head. "I keep hoping that maybe I got away this time but they could find me again and I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me."

"Chances are slim that anyone could come here and not be seen, Bradley. Everyone knows everyone around here and you're safe with us." She assured him, but saw that he was still hesitant.

"I can't risk it, Stefani." He sighed and shook his head. "Not with you." He added.

Stefani smiled. "I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. I can also aim pretty well in case I ever have to shoot someone." She joked, but noticed that Bradley was zoned out already. The stress was getting to him and he wasn't used to opening up to someone so fast. He didn't know her, she could be working for them after all. "Don't suspect me! Oh my god!" She laughed, punching his shoulder.

Bradley let out a chuckle. "How come you can read my mind then? Kinda suspicious if you ask me."

She smiled. "It comes naturally with you."

Bradley sighed. "I really don't want you to get hurt, Stefani and people around me die."

"Then don't let them get me. Keep me safe." She placed her hand in his and it took Bradley a moment to intertwine their fingers. Her skin felt soft against his and it had been so long since he felt something else besides fear.

"I can't promise you that and that's what's so scary about all of this." He said, rather quietly.

It pained Stefani to see such a handsome man, so broken and hurt. He was scared and needed someone to help and trust him and she wanted to be that person for him. "I can promise you that I won't give up on you and that I'll try my best to help you figure out who's done this to you."

Bradley smiled. "You'd risk your life for a total stranger?"

"I don't think I have much to lose besides my boring life in Cape May." She joked.

"Your life is worth a lot, don't say that."

"Yours too." She argued. "Let me be there for you, Bradley."

Bradley nodded but stayed hesitant. Could he really handle it if anything happened to her? Would he be able to have a normal life ever again?

"Have you tried figuring out who they could be?" She asked.

Bradley nodded. "Of course. I have a whole damn suitcase full of news articles, police files that I stole and suspects, but all of those traces left me with a dead end case." He sighed, shrugging.

"Maybe I can help. Another pair of eyes might catch something you've missed. That is, if you trust me." She smiled.

Bradley nodded. "Okay."

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