Blind Date [3] (mature)

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I had absolutely no idea how we ended up at my house but I partially blamed it on the wine we both had. My fingers got tangled in his hair, my lower body was pressed against his and our lips were moving against the others.

I moaned and let my purse fall to the floor when Bradley pushed me again the wall, his hands holding my hips tightly. I threw my head back and smiled, his lips leaving kisses down my neck.

"You're so fucking sexy, Stef." He mumbled and kissed me again. His fingers started working on my dress and he pulled the zipper down. I quickly brushed it off of my body, leaving me in nothing besides my black panties and heels. He looked me up and down for a moment before attacking my lips with his kisses again. His hand moved up from my hip to my breasts and he gently played with my nipple. I hastily grabbed his belt and took off his jeans, wasting no time in slipping his boxers down his legs as well. Bradley groaned when I grabbed him and immediately mirrored my movements by placing his fingers on my panties as well.

"You're so wet, I can feel you through your panties." He mumbled against my lips, making me moan again. His fingers slid my panties to the side and he entered his fingers into me, making me grab him tighter. I as well started moving my hands to please him and we both kissed, breathlessly while experiencing extreme pleasure. I didn't think it was possible to feel this turned on but he had proven me very fucking wrong.

"God, you're so big." I moaned. He increased his speed on me before he grabbed me and pushed us towards the couch in the living room. He plopped down on it and I straddled his lap for a while as we just made out. I'd never been a kisser and I usually didn't even find it that exciting but with him everything seemed exciting.

He gently pulled away from me before he leaned back on the couch, resting his back against the headboard. "Sit on my face." He said, making goosebumps erupt on my skin from the pleasure boost his voice and simple demands gave me.

I did as told and I was barely positioned over his face when he already had his face buried in between my folds. I grabbed onto his head and tugged on his hair while I tried to stay still and threw my head back. "Fuck!" I moaned out when he started sucking on my clit and I knew it wouldn't be long until I came.

His hand grabbed my ass cheek and he guided me forwards and backwards again in a gentle rhythm.

"Ride my face, I know you fucking want to, baby." He mumbled before I finally was able to give into the urge to grind into his face and that I did. I slowly rolled my hips against his mouth in a slow rhythm and my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure. "Oh god." I moaned when I felt myself cum all over his face, my legs shaking. I was glad for his hands on my ass because I wouldn't have been able to keep myself up otherwise.

I crawled down back onto his lap and immediately kissed him again. I was still weak from my orgasm and lazily had my arms draped around his neck, while I gently grinded against his hard cock.

"God, you're so fucking hot." He groaned and then without any warning slid into me. I moaned once before I buried my face into the crook of his neck, roughly grabbed his hair and started moving with him. We were in perfect sync, never failing to hit the right spots and I felt dizzy at the pleasure. I'd never felt like this before and I knew it wouldn't be long until my second orgasm.

"Oh fuck, I'm so close, fuck." I whispered against his lips before I kissed him again. Both of us only pulling slightly apart, our lips still gracing each other's when we moaned and came at the same time. I stayed on top of him for a few seconds, catching my breath before I finally slid off of his body and flopped down next to him on the couch.

"Damn." He mumbled, also still out of breath.

I giggled and grabbed the shirt that was on the floor and slipped it on, watching him get back into his boxers as well.

"I usually don't take men to my house on the first date and I also don't fuck them." I said, making him chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad I left an amazing impression on you then?"

"Hmm, you definitely did." I bit my lip and kissed him again, knowing it would result in us going for a second round again.

I don't have another part of this written and idk if I'll continue it because I don't quite like it that much BUT anyway 😌 I know this was short and I'm sorry haha

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