music to my eyes

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"Hello?" Bradley groggily answered the phone and I could hear him shift in his bed.

"Hey baby." I said, also turning around in my own bed, so I was laying on my back. "What are you doing?"

"Sleeping." He answered, the sound still muffled.

I giggled. "I'm sorry, baby. I just wanted to hear your voice. Couldn't sleep." I explained.

Bradley chuckled. "It's fine, love. How was your day?"

"It was okay. Work was stressful but I signed up for it, so I can't exactly complain." I giggled.

"I miss you and your work stories. I miss having you here with me." He sighed and I could imagine his signature pout in my head.

"I'll be back in a week if all goes well and I'll make tons of time for you." I promised. "How was your day?"

"Boring. Since I got home from filming I get to spend too much time in bed. I swear, I've gained weight from all the takeaway food I've ordered since you're gone." Bradley complained.

"I'm sure you're looking just fine." I giggled.

"You said you couldn't sleep. What's wrong?" He suddenly asked, his tone serious.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I brushed him off.

Bradley groaned. "Love, you can talk to me about it."

I sighed. "Can you sing me to sleep? I promise I'll tell you tomorrow, but I'm very tired."

I could hear Bradley move around again, before it went silent. "Love let your music be mine, sing what I harmonize. Let your melodies fly in my direction." He started singing softly.

I closed my eyes and cuddled into the bedsheets, a smile on my lips while I listened to his voice singing a song just for me.

"Take me to your paradise on a musical ride. I'm in love with your music, baby." I could hear the small smile playing on his lips while he sang.

I could feel myself drifting off to sleep and Bradley finished singing his song for me. "Goodnight, my love." He said in a soft and quiet voice, trying not to startle me.

"M'kay, yeah you too." I mumbled, already half asleep and the last thing I heard before falling asleep was his laugh on the other side of the line.

This was very fluffy and cute (also very short) but let me know what songs you listen to when you want to fall asleep!

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