best friends brother [8] (mature)

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Did you receive my package yet? - B

I had just taken the box inside and giggled at his perfect timing. He often knew what would happen before it did and it always made me feel like he was here with me even when he wasn't. After a while I started making more time for him since I got back into my crazy schedule and figured out a good balance between work and my private life.

I'm opening it now you crazy cowboy :P - S

I grabbed a knife and cut the tape open, quickly peeking into the box. Inside was a neatly folded shirt that said 'Arizona' on it and a little black box on top of it. I slowly grabbed the box and opened it, gasping at the beautiful piece of jewelry inside. It was a silver bracelet with a single charm on it. When I inspected the charm further I felt the tears well up in my eyes. It was a little ice cream cone and I smiled at the memory of how we first met.

I love it. You're insane! :') - S

Did you lift up the shirt yet? - B

I raised a brow and did as I was told, taking out the shirt and placing it next to me as I caught sight of an envelope. I opened it and started reading what the letter said:

Hello love,
Despite all of my best efforts I can't seem to get you out of my fucking mind and not being with you sucks. I miss waking up next to you and getting to kiss you. What I miss most is your laugh and believe me when I tell you that it just doesn't sound the same coming out of a phone speaker.
My mom, Holly and I agreed that there was only one thing I could do to tame the ache in my heart: see you again.
So, by the time you're finished with reading this I'm probably in front of your door and waiting for you to open it. So please, open the door, it's cold outside.

- your crazy and freezing Arizona cowboy, Bradley

I jumped off of the couch with big eyes and basically ran to the front door, opening it to reveal him, just like he'd promised.

"Imagine if I had missed my flight. That would've been a big disappointment." He joked immediately, making me laugh and jump up into his arms, almost throwing the both of us down the first few steps of my front porch. His arms wrapped around my waist and he pushed both of us inside, dragging his suitcase in behind him. "I was a little scared you wouldn't want to see me." He admitted.

I sighed and smiled at him. "I didn't for quite a while, but I'm glad you're here." I confessed.

"You didn't? Why?" He frowned.

I brushed over the crease on his forehead between his eyes and his face relaxed again. "You do know who I am right?" I sighed. "My life is crazy. I can barely breathe without people stalking me and if we were to date or even hang out they'd be on your feet as well. I just don't want your life to become a mess because of me."

Bradley placed his finger under my chin to tilt my head up. He smiled and placed a soft kiss to my lips before pulling away again. "The only way my life would become messy is if I can't be with you."

I smiled widely and kissed him again. "Are you sure? Because you have no idea what you're getting yourself into." I said in between kisses.

Bradley chuckled and slipped out of his shirt. "Pretty damn sure. Fuck, I've missed you."

I slipped my own shirt over my head and kissed him again. We both got undressed quickly, our lips barely ever leaving each other and our hands constantly needing to touch each others skin.

Bradley hooked his arms underneath my legs and picked me up, placing me down on the couch before he leaned over me and kissed me once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my nails digging into his skin as a moan left my mouth. He entered me, his body feeling incredible against mine.

"Fuck." He mumbled against my lips before he moved to my neck, biting and sucking on it. I tilted my head to the side to give him more space and enjoyed the way his hips rocked into mine, his pace fast and his thrusts hard.

"You feel so good, B." I cried out when he picked up his pace once again and I spread my legs even wider, making him go deeper. I'd missed how perfectly he fit, everything about him was perfect to me.

He grabbed both of my hands, intertwined our fingers and pressed both of them down into the couch above my head, the new angle giving him more control. I arched my back and slowly started meeting his thrusts, increasing our speed. "God, fuck!" I groaned out loudly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head when I felt the pleasure consume my whole body.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He whispered and placed another kiss to my neck. One of his hands left mine to travel down my body and eventually rest on my clit. He drew fast circles over it, my juices making it easy for him. "You're so wet for me." He groaned out, pushing into me faster, applying more pressure to my clit as well.

"Hmm, just for you." I moaned and bit my lip. We kept our intense eye contact and I only closed my eyes when I felt my legs start to shake.

"Open your eyes. I want to see you while you cum." Bradley demanded and I forced my eyes open again, looking at him.

I moaned loudly, squeezing his hand that was still holding mine and fisting his hair with my other hand while I came. Bradley came not too soon after, biting into my neck and probably leaving a mark behind while he did. He stayed on top of me for a while and I caressed his back with my fingers while we both caught our breaths.

"Well, I'll definitely risk getting stalked by cameras if it means that I'll get to do this until the day I die." He joked, making me giggle.

Bradley placed another kiss onto my lips and rolled off of me, both of us grabbing our underwear and getting dressed into it.

"I'm serious though. My lifestyle is crazy and getting followed around all the time is no joke. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled when he just pulled me closer.

"I realize what I'm getting myself into, Stefani. I'd sacrifice a lot more than just my privacy for you though, so I'll be fine. We'll be fine." He promised and kissed me again before pulling away and slapping my ass. "Now, get dressed, I'll order dinner." He chuckled.

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