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Bradley's fingers gently traced her thigh while Stefani excitedly watched the Christmas episode of the Big Bang theory. She let out a laugh at one of the jokes.

Bradley couldn't help but stare at her instead of paying attention to what was on tv. She was absolutely perfect, everything about her was beautiful. The way her eyes crinkled whenever she smiled and how shiny her green eyes got when she was happy. He often found himself so infatuated with her that he didn't even notice she'd moved to look at him, much like right now.

"You're not even watching the show." She stated, letting out one of her signature giggles that made Bradley's stomach do a flip. He loved hearing her laugh. To him that was the most beautiful sound god's ever created and he often couldn't believe it was reserved just for him to hear when they were alone.

"I'm sorry. I just can't help but look at you every single minute we're together. Have I told you yet how stunning you are when you're happy? No, scratch that: you're stunning no matter what you do but I obviously prefer to see you smile than cry." Bradley said, watching her mouth curve up into a bright smile. God, how he loved to make her smile.

"You're being exceptionally sweet today. What's up with that? Did you fuck something up again?" She squinted her eyes at him and moved to sit on his lap. Both of her arms were lazily draped over his shoulders as her hands joined behind his neck.

"No fucking things up anymore. I told you I was done with being an asshole." Bradley chuckled lightly, only painfully remembering how often he'd made her cry in the past. That was something he never wanted to do again.

"Okay. You know I trust you and that I'm not resentful of our past. We didn't get along when we were younger and you basically bullied me but we're past that now. You're my best friend." She sighed. She didn't like it when he put himself down like that. People change and Bradley definitely changed for the better. They were both young and trying to find themselves when they were just freshman's in high school and Stefani also wasn't too proud of who she was back then so she found it silly to stay mad at Bradley for his own past behaviors.

"I know, but I'm still sorry about it. I can't believe I was the cause of you hating yourself and crying yourself to sleep some nights. You're absolutely perfect, Stef and I don't want you to ever doubt that again." Bradley brushed over her soft cheek with one of his thumbs and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too and you know it." She grinned. She'd been in love with him even back then when they weren't close to being friends yet, but she'd never told him that. She wasn't quite sure if he felt the same way about her.

"No. I mean I love you. As in I am in love with you." Bradley paused. "I think I've always been in love with you." He stated, placing both of his hands on her waist to keep her close to him.

Stefani's mouth opened to say something and closed again when she realized that she didn't know what to say. His confession came so sudden and caught her by surprise. Bradley Cooper was in love with her. "Can you say that again?" She then said, making Bradley chuckle.

"Stefani Joanne, I love you." He said with a wide smile on his face.

She let out the breath she'd been holding, grabbed his face with both of her hands and pressed her lips against his. Bradley immediately kissed back and pulled her impossibly closer to his own body. Her lips felt soft and they fit together perfectly, just how he'd imagined it, even better than that. When she pulled away so they both could catch their breaths, she finally smiled too, the shock being replaced by joy.

"I love you too." She then said, hugging him. She breathed in the scent of him, she loved so much and placed a few kisses on his neck.

"God, I love you." Bradley mumbled into her neck and kissed her again. She giggled through the kiss and deepened it, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth in a heated kiss. All of the emotions they tried to hide before poured out of them through that kiss.

"I think you've mentioned it before. Will this be your go to sentence from now on?" Stefani joked, poking his chest with her finger.

Bradley laughed and nodded. "Yes. You got a problem with that, Germanotta?" He rose a thick brow and tilted his head to the side.

She shrugged. "I don't think I mind it too much. It's definitely better than when you used to finish every sentence off with dude. Right, dude?" She mocked him, earning a mortified gasp from him.

"Don't you dare bring up my dude past. I still cringe every time I think about it." He frowned.

Stefani laughed. "Oh, I've still got videos of it too!"

Bradley easily picked her up into his arms and threw her over his shoulder, making her squeal out and hit his back in protest. "I might have to lock you up in your room." Bradley announced. "I won't let you out ever again unless you delete all of those videos!"

Stefani laughed when he threw her on the bed and crawled on top of her. "I actually don't mind being locked up in my room, but you have to bring me Taco Bell sometimes." She said.

"Hm, I would miss you terribly if you didn't come to school though." He pecked her lips once. "Who would make the math lessons fun if not you?"

"True." She shrugged. "You might have to let me go then!"

Bradley pushed his lips on hers again and let them linger on hers a bit, even after the kiss before he finally pulled away. "I love you."

"Shut up! I love you too, now psht!" She laughed.

Another part of this will be up. Uhm yeah 😌🤘🏻

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