you have no idea, huh?

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Bradley's POV:

I hated him. Him and his brown eyes that kept running up and down her amazing body. I hated how he got to kiss her whenever he wanted and I didn't.

I wish she knew how mesmerizing I thought she was. She looked so effortlessly beautiful no matter what she did or wore. She was smart and funny and I tried but simply couldn't stop myself from falling in love with her.

"Bradley, come on! Join us!" Stefani said, her arms wrapped around her boyfriend. Christian rolled his eyes but of course she didn't notice.

He hated me just as much as I hated him. He probably knew I had a thing for his girlfriend and since Stef and I were close he hated the idea of me. The feeling was mutual, asshole.

I walked over to them as we all stood around the buffet table, chatting a bit. Sarah and Boo were laughing hysterically and Bobby tried to talk to me yet I couldn't keep my eyes off of Stef and her lover.

He made sure to be extra touchy today and kept grabbing her ass, which made me furious. When they kissed I looked away and into Bobby's face who was smiling.

"Nobody likes that dude." He simply said, handing me a glass of alcohol. I downed it, trying to calm my nerves.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled, not in the mood to talk.

"You've been staring at them since you got here. If you like her then why won't you tell her?" He asked, motioning towards her. I took another look at Stefani. God she was gorgeous.

"I can't. She's in a relationship and she's my best friend, Bobby. I can't ruin that for her." I said, finishing another glass of alcohol.

"She doesn't look as happy around him as she does with you." He said before he pat my shoulder and walked over to Frederic.

I kept drinking by myself the rest of the time and when it was time to leave I was a little tipsy. I was glad that I could handle a bit more alcohol than most people.

"I'm leaving." I announced and said my goodbyes.

"Sleep well, Bradley." Stef said, hugging me.

I rubbed her small back and breathed in her scent, holding her a bit longer than necessary, which made Carino cross his arms in front of his chest. Good.


A few weeks had passed since I've seen Stefani. She had been working a lot and I spent a bit more time with Lea. Irina was still a pain in the ass since our split and I was as tense as ever.

As soon as I got home I threw my shoes and jacket into a corner, grabbed a beer out of the fridge and plopped down onto the sofa. I was ready for a relaxing night when my phone started ringing. I groaned and grabbed it out of my jeans pocket.


I immediately picked up. "Hey."

The other side of the line was silent until I heard a quiet sob. "Bradley?" Another sob.

"Are you crying?" I paused. "Do you want me to come over?" I asked.

"Please." She said in her crying voice.

"I'll be there in five." I said and hung up the phone.

So much for a relaxed night in. I grabbed my jacket, put my shoes back on and rushed to her place. I wondered what had happened and why she didn't call her stupid boyfriend.

I had barely knocked on the door when it opened and a crying Stefani threw her arms around me to cry into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her as well and pushed us both inside to close the door. I let her cry for a few minutes and then pushed her away a little.

"What happened?" I asked, wiping some of her tears away.

"He cheated on me." She said.

I guided us both onto the couch and wrapped my arm around her, protectively pulling her closer to my chest. "How did you find out?"

"I caught them. I went over to his house and found him in bed with another woman." She sobbed. "And that's not even the worst part."

When she didn't continue I raised an eyebrow. "And what is?"

"I don't think I even loved him. I used him to get over someone else but I never got over that person and now I got cheated on and I totally deserve it!" She rambled, crying and rubbing over her face to keep the tears away.

"You don't deserve any of this. You're a wonderful person and we all fall in love with people we can't have sometimes." I said and it couldn't be any truer.

"I'm so stupid." She mumbled and let out a heavy sigh.

"You're not stupid." I said, chuckling. "Maybe a little. Carino? Really? Who were you trying to get over? Donald Duck?" I asked.

Stefani tried to hide her giggle but I knew she got the joke.

"So, who's the guy you like?" I asked, even though I wasn't too sure if I even wanted to know.

She blushed and shook her head. "You really have no idea, huh?" She asked, smiling at me.

I frowned and waited for her to tell me. "How would I know?" I asked after a while.

"It's you." She paused, giving me a bit of time to react or process what she was saying.

She liked me? She was in love with me? What?

"It's always been you, Bradley." She smiled and then looked down on her hands, anywhere but me.

"You like me?" I asked. I probably sounded like an idiot but I couldn't believe it.

"No, I'm in love with you." She said, shrugging. "It's okay if you don't love me, I don't expect you to." She added, making me chuckle.

"Are you serious? I'm in love with you too and I really wanted to rip Carinos head off every time I saw him!" I complained.

"You love me too?" Her head shot up to look at me again and she smiled. "You're not kidding?"

"We're acting like silly teenagers." I grinned. "But no, I'm not kidding."

Stefani giggled as well and hugged me, leaving her head on my chest. "You didn't like Carino at all, huh?" She joked.

I groaned. "Don't mention his name ever again. He's an asshole. He never deserved you." I said, kissing her forehead.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I think you missed my lips?" She joked.

I grinned and for the first time, we kissed. It wasn't for the cameras and it wasn't us playing a role. This was us. Stefani and Bradley and it couldn't have felt more real.

There's lots of smutty chapters coming your way but for now I'm gonna leave you hanging with mediocre and cute little short ones. Please forgive me!
I've been writing on a 5 part short story series over the past few days and I'm very proud of it actually so I'm excited for you to read that one, hopefully soon!

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