little runaway [5] (mature)

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"Would you like to come inside?" I asked, blushing a little. I knew where this was headed and god, I wanted it, but I was still nervous.

"I didn't take you out so we could have sex. I really did enjoy tonight and I like you and-" he rambled.

I cut him off by placing my fingers on his lips and I took a step closer to him, biting my lip. "I know. I like you too and this won't be a one night stand to me, since you don't do those, right?" I teased, brushing my fingers over his lips before placing them on his chest.

"Right." He placed his hands on my waist and walked me backwards into the house.

I giggled. "So I think it's time for you to finally get it again. It's been a while, huh?"

"It's been a while indeed, fuck. You look so fucking good tonight, even better than before." He finally leaned down to kiss me and I moaned through the kiss when he pushed me against the shut door.

His hands were quick to undress me and I had just unbuckled his belt when he pushed my hands away and over my head, holding them there with one hand while his other came to rest over my sensitive spot. "Oh god." I moaned when he pushed his fingers into me and started pumping them in and out of me. I threw my head back and let him finger me. I could barely stand up straight anymore after a while, the pleasure was overwhelming and he was just using his fingers on me, how was I supposed to handle anything else?

Bradley finally pulled away and slipped out of his pants while we walked over to my couch. "God, you're so fucking beautiful." He mumbled against my lips and pushed me to lay down on the couch. He pulled me to the edge of it and leaned over me, his body between my legs. His lips met mine in a soft kiss and I buried my hands in his hair. "I loved the pasta tonight." I said, making him chuckle.

"T'was great, wasn't it?" He joked, teasing my entrance.

I'd only briefly looked down to see him and judging by the size of him, I knew I wouldn't be able to take two steps tomorrow without people knowing what I did the previous night. "Hmm, really good." I nodded, letting him kiss me again.

"I'll go slow. If you're as tight as I think you are then I don't want to hurt you." He said before pushing his tip into me, slowly easing in further.

"Fuck, you're so fucking big." I cried out, pulling him closer. He involuntarily slid in all the way, making me gasp. "Fuck me." I moaned out, biting down on my bottom lip. He felt so good inside of me.

Bradley groaned and started moving, brushing some hair out of my face. "Fuck, Stef. You feel so damn good." He groaned out, picking up on speed.

"Please destroy me, I want it hard." I moaned out, holding onto his arms that were on either side of me.

Bradley smirked and went slower. "Beg for it."

That bastard. I whined and threw my head back. "Please, Bradley! Please fuck me hard! I want it so bad!" I begged, gasping when he did just that. Every time he pushed into me full force I felt myself come closer to my climax. "Make me cum, fuck, please." I cried out, digging my nails into his arms.

"Are you going to cum for me?" He asked, pulling out almost completely before ramming back inside, making my back arch and eyes roll to the back of my head. One of his hands was coming down to rub my clit and it didn't take long for me to reach my climax.

I felt my whole body buzz and shake and moaned loudly. "Yes! Bradley! Oh my god!" I writhed underneath him and he only stopped moving once I'd calmed down a little.

"You're even more beautiful when you cum." He said and placed another kiss on my lips.

I bit my lip and pushed him away. "I want to ride you." I announced. Bradley sat down on the couch and groaned when I sat down on his lap. My arms were both draped around his neck and I let him ease himself into me, his hands on my waist to guide me. I started to move up and down on him and gasped when he started to move with me.

"You're so big, Bradley." I cried out and leaned my forehead against his, our breaths mixing and lips meeting in soft pecks occasionally. I rolled my hips into his and moaned, rubbing my clit when I felt myself close in around him again.

"I'm close." Bradley said, moving up into me faster as well. "You're so fucking hot, baby."

"Hm, yes, oh, fuck." I kept moaning on top of him and threw my head back when I came again, his cum shooting into me as well. I rocked back and forth slowly while we calmed down and slipped off of him when I managed to catch my breath again. When I was on my knees in front of him and started sucking on his cock it didn't take long for him to come undone again.

"Fuck, yes. You're so damn beautiful with your mouth full of my cock." He mumbled, pressing his lips on mine in a heated kiss when I got off of the floor again. "I want to taste you too." He said and grabbed my ass, pulling me on top of him. "Sit on my face, baby."

I moaned when I placed myself over his mouth and felt him lick me, eating me out until I couldn't take it anymore. My fingers were buried in his hair while I rode his tongue and cried out his name while he gave me the best head I'd ever had. It obviously didn't take long for me to cum again and I let him lick on my clit softly while I calmed down.

I crawled back down his body and let him kiss me, our lips molding against each other's, with my hands on either side of his face and his arms around my waist. When we pulled away I smiled and blushed. "Well, I hope your first time after such a long time was good?"

Bradley chuckled and rubbed my back with his fingers. "More than good. You're extraordinary, Stef." He placed a few soft kisses on my neck and I tilted my head to the side to give him more space, moaning quietly when he started sucking on that one spot that made my skin tingle. "I can't get enough of you." He added when he let my skin go with a pop and placed his lips on my jaw. "I want you to be mine and mine only." He said, grabbing my chin and making me look at him. His eyes were at least two shades darker than usually and I felt myself get turned on again at how possessive he suddenly got. A side of him I hadn't yet experienced but loved already.

"I'm all yours." I whispered, opening my mouth so he could slip a finger into it. I sucked on it once before he pulled me down to kiss me again.

"Say it again." He demanded and I moaned loudly when he slipped into me again, forcefully pushing in and out of me.

"I'm yours, all yours, Bradley!" I cried out, letting him bruise my neck by sucking on it while he fucked me hard and good, his fingers playing with my clit.

"That's right, baby." He smirked. "Maybe you should say it again, just to make sure you won't forget?"

I let out a strangled laugh and gasped when he hit my g-spot hard, making me dizzy. He repeatedly rubbed my clit while he hit all the right spots and I could barely breathe. "God, I'm yours! You feel so good!" I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

With a final thrust I came undone again as well as Bradley who spilled into me. "Fuck." I mumbled against his shoulder. Bradley chuckled and nodded.

"I agree." He joked, making me giggle. "So, you're mine huh?" He teased, smirking.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and slid off of him. "All yours, but I think we've established that by now, don't you think?"

Bradley shrugged. "I might need it on paper. To hang it up on my wall." He joked.

I laughed and grabbed his shirt off of the floor and slipped into it. Bradley got dressed into his boxers as well and I squealed when he pulled me onto his lap again. "You look irresistible in my shirt."

"Do I?" I teased, biting down on my bottom lip. I placed both of my hands on his chest and smiled.

"Definitely. And you know what?"


He grinned widely, picking me up. I squealed when he twirled us around. "You're all mine!" He laughed, making me join in as well.

They're cute. Next part will be the last one. (Also tried a bit more dirty talk? 😭 y'all like it or nah?)

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