best friends brother [3]

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Dinner went by fast and before I knew it, chef Su had brought in dessert. I was kind of disappointed at how fast time went by because I enjoyed my time with Bradley thoroughly. He was incredibly smart and charming and definitely knew how to treat a woman to make her feel wanted and safe. He cracked jokes occasionally, flirted a lot but always made sure to stay respectful at the same time. I hadn't met anyone quite like him before and could only hope to see him around a lot more often from now on. This was just a coincidental meet up while we were both on vacation at the same time and at the same place and I knew we'd both eventually have to go back to our own separate lives and it kind of scared me how quickly I started to like him. I couldn't possibly be falling for this stranger already, could I? I'd always thought love at first sight didn't exist and this wasn't it either but it was still damn close to that feeling.

"Second round of ice cream for the day, huh?" Bradley joked.

The delicious dessert in front of me looked incredible. The vanilla ice cream was surprisingly still not melted even though the hot cherries on top added extra heat to it on top of the warm weather on the island. I dug my spoon into it and tasted it, smiling. "I'm just glad it's not cake or something. I wouldn't be able to get that down anymore." I complained, leaning back to show him my stomach, referring to how bloated I felt from all the food.

Bradley chuckled. "You still look perfect to me." He flirted, making me blush. What a charmer.

I playfully rolled my eyes as we continued to have our dessert. Before I knew it the ice cream dropped down my spoon and landed right between my breasts. Both Bradley and I halted our movements and I groaned. "I swear, it's not intentional!"

Bradley chuckled and before I could wipe it away he got off of his chair and walked towards me, kneeling down in front of me. "Let me?" He asked.

I nodded before I could back out and held my breath when his finger gently wiped off the sticky ice cream. He held his finger out to me and I opened my mouth, letting him place it on my tongue. Our eyes were on each other when my lips closed in around his finger and I sucked it clean. When I let go he brushed it over my bottom lip and his eyes flicked down to my lips.

"Fuck damn. You're really going to be the death of me." He mumbled, finally pulling his finger away from my lips.

I let out a shaky laugh at his remark and tried to hide my disappointment of not getting a kiss when he casually strolled back to his chair but understood why when I noticed chef Su walk back into the room. Bradley's hungry eyes were still on me and he only looked away to make some small talk with Su who asked us if we'd enjoyed our dinner.

"It was absolutely lovely, chef Su. I'll definitely recommend you to my friends." I shook his hand as we now stood up, ready to leave. I searched my purse for some cash even though Su assured me it was fine but stopped when Bradley handed him a few hundred dollar bills instead.

"You deserve every dollar for being a wonderful chef and making us feel very safe and welcome. Especially Stefani." He smiled at me and I blushed at his kind words and Su thanked him about a thousand times before we finally met Gloria and Holly back at the car.

"That was a lot of money. I'll pay you back." I offered, making Bradley chuckle.

"It was worth every penny." He winked at me. "You can pay next time." He added.

I raised a brow with a smile. "Next time?" I asked.

He shrugged and held his arm out for me. I linked my arm into his and let him guide me outside. "We could have dinner again tomorrow, if you'd like to. I enjoyed tonight too much to not do it again." He confessed.

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