it's real 2/2 (mature)

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Do I even need to put a mature warning in the title of these at this point? :,D

"Just go with it." Bradley whispered into Stefani's ear, earning a nod from her. They were both inside of the bed again, filming the sex scene next.

"Action!" Someone yelled but Stefani couldn't even figure out who. She felt his fingers on her waist and shoulder, slowly tracing and teasing before his lips came down on her shoulder, peppering her with soft kisses. She turned towards him, found his soft eyes in the rather dark room and without any hesitation they leaned in and kissed.

As if her body had a mind of its own, she started moving and unbuckled his pants, unbottoned his shirt that looked extra good on him that day. They were both caught up in the moment, wanting to explore each other's bodies as much as possible. They completely blocked out the cameras and crew around them and focused on each other, the way their bodies felt molded together like this. It was as if they belonged in that moment.

Bradley quickly rolled her onto her back so he could fit himself between her legs, his jeans pushed down lower. She didn't wear any pants herself so their underwear covered cores touched, Stefani being able to feel the effect she had on him. He was hard as a rock and grinded against her damp panties.

She let out a few soft moans and buried her fingers inside of his hair, throwing her head back while his lips explored her neck before they found hers again. One of his hands moved down to touch her over her panties and her eyes opened in pleasure while she found his eyes in the dark, a gasp escaping her slightly parted lips.

"Just go with it." He whispered into her ear, so only she'd be able to hear it. When his fingers slipped into her, she held back the moans that almost escaped her mouth and bit down on her tongue. She was glad the room was dark because she was sure she was as red as a fire truck right now.

"Cut! I think we have enough material! That looked so good, guys. Felt very real." One of the crew members said and Bradley and Stefani broke apart when the lights in the room turned back on.

She huffed at the loss of his fingers inside of her and sat up in the bed, next to Bradley. "I need a break." She quickly said, jumped out of the bed and rushed into her dressing room. She desperately needed that release and after her door was shut she already had dipped her hand into her panties, her back pressed against the door to hold her body up.

She rolled her eyes at the knock on the door and groaned, opening it to reveal Bradley who pushed her further into the room, locked the door behind them and eventually bent her over the couch.

Stefani gasped when he pulled her panties down and entered her in a swift movement. It all happened so suddenly she barely had the time to process it when she already felt the intense pleasure shoot through her body at the feeling of him deep inside of her, every movement stroking her walls. "Oh my god." She breathed out, pressing her hand over her mouth. Her head fell forward and her forehead rested on the couch so she'd be able to stay as quiet as possible.

Bradley groaned at how tight she was, much tighter than he'd expected her to be. He started out slowly, his attention directed towards hitting all the right spots instead of going faster, before he picked up his pace when he felt her relax further. Her body quickly got used to him filling her up and he pushed himself deeper with each thrust. His knees almost buckled at how good her body felt and he grabbed her shoulder to push her back and forth on him.

"Bradley, you're so fucking big." She cried out, turning her head towards him so she could look at him. "Please, make me cum." She whispered, holding herself up further, the change of position forcing him deeper inside of her.

"Fuck, I can't believe we've waited so long to do this." Bradley chuckled, his fingers rubbing her clit to get her closer to the edge. "You feel so good."

The knock on the door halted Bradley's movements abruptly as he stilled inside of her. "Are you alright, Stefani?" Bobby asked.

She let out a quiet fuck and tried catching her breath. "Yes! I'm okay! I'll be out in a minute!" She said, holding back a moan when Bradley continued thrusting into her.

"Have you seen Bradley? He's not inside of his trailer." He asked her, checking his watch for the time.

Stefani swallowed back the lump in her throat when she felt herself close to the edge, her legs already shaking with his fingers on her clit and his cock filling her to the hilt. "No, I don't know!" She gasped out, biting down on her fingers to stay silent.

"Can you open the door for a second? I think I left my charger there with you." Bobby said, leaning against the door frame, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.

Stefani's head turned and she caught sight of his charger still on the table next to her. "I'm gonna cum, fuck." She gasped out quietly, letting Bradley's hand hold her mouth shut when she came hard. Her eyes shut tightly as well, her entire body shaking in pleasure.

Bradley cursed under his breath and came into the condom, gently pulling his hand away from her mouth to let her breathe again.

"Gaga! What the fuck is going on?" Bobby groaned, rolling his eyes. They didn't have time for her stupid games and he grew impatient quickly.

"I'm sorry! I'll get you your charger." She said, pushing Bradley out of sight while she pulled her panties and shorts back up her legs and fixed her hair a little. She grabbed the charger and opened the door for her manager, but instead of letting him in she pushed the cable into his hands with a quick smile. "Give me one more minute, I need to pee and then I'll be out and we can search for Bradley, okay?" She offered, shutting the door in his face before he could protest.

Bobby simply shrugged with a chuckle leaving his lips and he took off towards the others, charging his phone.

Stefani let out a sigh of relief when she heard him walk away and turned back around towards Bradley who'd gotten dressed himself. He had a smirk on his lips and strolled towards her, his lips meeting hers when he reached her. "We almost got caught." She mumbled, giggling. She found it exciting, quite honestly.

"We should head out before he actually does catch us in here together." Bradley laughed and kissed her once more before they got back to the set, pretending as if nothing had happened.

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