Daddy's Party (mature)

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Me? Giving you two updates and this entire smut chapter today?
I thought I'd give you this because we hit 10K reads!!🥺I'm so so so thankful for everyone that keeps commenting and voting, y'all make my days a little better every time! THANK YOU! Now on to the smut 😌🔥

This is an AU just so y'all know! There could be an age gap but I'll leave that to your imagination!

My father hosted these work parties at least once a month where he invited over influential and rich work partners or people he hoped he could work with in the future. He'd pack the house, there'd be lots of alcohol and loud music and when they happened I'd usually disappear into my room, put on my headphones and try to work on my music as well. I didn't mind most of his colleagues or friends. I knew very few and not very well.

There were Mr. Terence and Mr. Cooper. They were working close with him and would come over frequently. And damn Mr. Cooper definitely was a sight to see. I'd find myself crossing paths with him very intentionally every time he'd come over and even though nothing had ever happened between us I had dreamed of it. I could only imagine how he'd feel, buried deep inside of me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes at my dirty thoughts and concentrated on my notebook again, writing down a few more lyrics. My fathers party was already at its peak and I occasionally heard the drunk business men holler or break something. I knew I'd be left with a mess in the morning that I'd gladly clean up, of course. My father was my everything and it was only because of him that I got to do what I loved most, without having to worry about money or anything, really. Cleaning up after him sometimes was a small price to pay for it.

I looked up towards the door of my room when it opened and closed just as quickly. Mr. Cooper was stood in the middle of the room now and he looked absolutely delicious. The way his blue shirt clung to his body and matched the color of his eyes perfectly. His tight jeans clung to his legs and his hair had become rather long. It suited him just as much as his growing beard did. He was definitely a new level of attractive.

"Mr. Cooper? Are you trying to find the bathroom?" I asked politely. Only now did I notice the hungry look on his face as he took in my appearance. I was in short pajama shorts that barely covered anything and a crop top without a bra underneath. I was sure he was able to see my hard nipples. I blushed a little, suddenly feeling self conscious even though I knew I didn't have to.

"I found just what I was looking for." He reached behind him and locked the door before walking towards me. I gasped when he opened the buttons on his jeans and pulled them down his legs in a swift movement.

"Oh, not that I'm complaining or anything, but my father is just downstairs and I don't know how he'd feel about you being in here like...that." I bit my lip when I let my eyes wander down to his briefs, seeing his erect penis straining against the tight fabric.

He didn't hesitate in pushing me back into the mattress and one by one he took off my clothing, while talking. "You have no idea how hard it was for me to not bend you over and fuck your brains out every time you walked around this house in those little shorts of yours. You have no idea how sexy you are to me, Stefani." The way my name rolled off his tongue made me shiver and I helped him out of his shirt.

"Hm, I've been feeling the same way." I paused and took him in, his muscular upper body so close to mine. I reached out my fingers and dragged my nails down his abs before stopping at his briefs. I let my fingertips grace his cock and gasped at how hard he was. "I wore those shorts just for you." I teased. I saw him take in a sharp breath and he finally kissed me, hard. His tongue roamed my mouth, tasting me, while I did the same to him.

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