Chemistry [2]

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3 months later

I neatly folded the clothes and put them into my suitcase. It was a weird feeling, knowing I'd be leaving the clinic and going back to my every day life. I'd be back to work, to seeing my family and friends and back to the public eye.

After what had happened to me three months ago I had the hardest time of my life. I tried hard to push it away and bombarded myself with work to forget about it but it all came back to me and I knew it would kill me eventually so I decided to get help.

I also ran away from Bradley who had been nothing but supportive and sweet to me, but I didn't know how to handle it. I was in love with him but the thought of jumping right back into another relationship made me panic. I stopped picking up when he called and refused to let him see me while I was here. I hated myself for it but I was incredibly good at pushing people away. The only person who had access to me was Natali and she also wasn't a big fan of me ignoring Bradley. She knew he was good for me and that what we had was special but she also understood my concerns. It truly felt like I was running in circles when it came to that.

"Are you ready to go?" Nat asked, helping me with my bags. "He called." She added.

I knew he did. He called every day since I came here and Natali always reassured him that I'd call him once I was ready. I didn't know when I'd be ready though and if I'd ever be ready and that scared me.

As soon as my bags were in the car and Natali and I had buckled up she grabbed the steering wheel and just stared ahead. "I know I'm your little sister and I haven't been through what you've been through." She paused to look at me. "But I'm going to give you some advice now."

I waited for her to speak up again and fiddled with my fingers in my lap.

"I don't know Bradley, I've met him once before, but what I do know is that he loves you. He's called every single day since you got here and he told me not to tell you this but he visited mom because she wasn't feeling well since you wouldn't speak to her either. I've seen him interact with her, he truly cares about our family. I know you're scared of being in a relationship. Relationships are always scary and nobody's perfect but you have to communicate with him, Stef. You can't run away from him and your feelings forever. You belong with him and he belongs with you." She said, before starting the engine and driving off towards my house.

I knew she was right. I had to talk to him and I could only hope he understood.


I had deleted and rewritten the text I sent to Bradley for about 20 times until I just texted him, asking if he could come over.

I wasn't nervous. It was more of a magnetic and overwhelming feeling inside of me, like I had been starving and needed him. I knew I loved him, there was no question, I knew him like no other and he knew everything about me as well. There were no secrets and I truly believed that he also knew why I had kept my distance, hence why he didn't stop checking up on me even though any other man probably would've. He wasn't like the rest but I wasn't either.

I wasn't surprised when he texted me back immediately. I'll be there in 10.

And exactly ten minutes later I heard a knock on my front door. I was in a long shirt, it was one of his old ones that he'd kept here after a long writing session during our filming days and even when we weren't together yet I'd sleep in it. It made me feel safe even when I didn't feel safe in my own house. It felt weird to be back so it was the first thing I grabbed and put on. It still smelled like him and his strong cologne.

I quickly rushed to the door, my feet covered in white socks thumping on the floor and I took a deep breath when I opened the door, finally revealing him and his beautiful body. His familiar scent made its way to my nose and it took everything in me not to bury my nose in his shirt to take it all in. He was absolutely gorgeous and I adored his every feature.

Despite the warm feeling in the pit of my stomach and the quickening of my heart beat, I kept my cool and let him inside. We both didn't know what to say. He just took in his surroundings and I noticed how hard it was for him to be back here as well. I suddenly realized that this whole thing hadn't only affected me but him as well and the thought of him having to deal with this on his own and without any of my support broke my heart. I hadn't been selfless enough during these months apart to think about his feelings yet and I regretted that deeply. "I'm surprised you came." I started. "I would've told myself to go to hell." I admitted, searching his face for a reaction.

He simply smiled and closed his eyes. His head was comfortably tilted to the back and he breathed in some air through his nose before he blew it out again through his barely opened lips. "Good thing I'm not you." He suddenly said and I raised an eyebrow.

"I'd never abandon you for months." He added and I didn't say anything. I didn't have the right to anyway, because he was right. He would've never done to me what I'd done to him.

I slowly allowed myself to step closer to him and his body and he looked at me when I stood right in front of him. I had missed our obvious height difference and the way he could look down on me but he'd never make me feel like he was the bigger person. It was all mutual, unlike what I had felt like when I was with Christian.

"I'm sorry. I know I can't take it back but I really am. What I did was selfish and I didn't think about your feelings. You've been nothing but supportive and I honestly don't even deserve you, Bradley." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I was afraid I was going to lose him.

He noticed the tears rolling down my cheeks and gently wiped them away with his thumbs. His palms rested against my cheeks and I let out a sigh of relief at the skin contact I was longing for. Even the simple touch of his hands against my face made me spiral out into a frenzy. I felt safe in the palm of his hands, quite literally.

"No matter how much I'd love to be mad at you and give you a hard time, I can't. I love you and I've missed you." He said in a soft voice before finally wrapping his arms around my small body.

I allowed myself to do the same and cried into his chest out of pure relief and happiness. I felt safe again, a feeling nobody else had been able to give me before and I knew I'd forever be safe if he was around. "I love you." I mumbled and rested my chin against his chest so I'd be able to look at his face. He smiled down at me and pressed a kiss to my forehead, then my nose and eventually my lips with a slow and passionate kiss. My hands moved to the back of his neck and I pulled on his short hair, getting him even closer to me.

When we pulled away it was only to catch our breaths. "God, I can't imagine my life without your kisses." He grinned. "Oh, and your amazing ass of course." He teased, squeezing both of my ass cheeks in his hands, slapping one playfully. I gasped and laughed at the silly action.

"I'm glad my ass left an impression on you." I mocked him and bit down on my bottom lip. "I can show you what I can do with it, if you're up for that." I whispered against his lips and he groaned, pulling me even closer.

"Fuck, I know something that's definitely up for it." He said and I immediately felt what he meant when his growing bulge pressed against my inner thigh.

I laughed and we made love in the dimmed lights of my bedroom. I knew it wouldn't be easy but with him by my side I'd work through anything.

I didn't deliver smut in a while 🤔 this short two part story is over but how about a smutty chapter for the next one? 😉

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