Ride Pony (mature)

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I turned to the side to look at my reflection and smiled at what I saw. My red lace underwear fit me perfectly, the tights shaped my legs nicely and the bra made my tits look nicely. My blonde hair came down my back in big curls and I barely wore make up since I knew Bradley loved my bare face.

When the door to the apartment opened and I heard Bradley sigh out in annoyance I smirked. Good timing.

I sat down on the bed, my legs crossed. I leaned back and held myself up with my hands next to my body when Bradley walked into the room.

When he saw me he immediately stopped in his tracks, looked me up and down and then licked his lips. "Well, hello." He said, a small smile forming on his lips.

"How was your day?" I asked, teasing him by spreading my legs a little now.

"Frustrating." He said, watching me intently.

"Any way I can help?" I asked, smiling innocently. I slowly made my way towards him and gently tugged on his tie. He swallowed a lump in his throat and looked me up and down.

"I'm sure you can help." He nodded, licking over his lips. When he tried to touch me I backed away and smirked.

"Nuh uh. No touching." I warned, making him groan.

I slowly made my way in front of him again and got on my knees. The sight of me in front of him alone made him moan. I took his belt and jeans off, leaving him in only his boxers in front of me. I saw him hard inside of his boxers for me and bit my lip before I slipped the last bit of clothing off of his legs as well. I was met with his large penis, ready for me.

I grabbed him and heard Bradley hiss. He reached out to grab my hair like he usually did but I slapped his hands away from me and shot him a warning look. "I said no touching." He groaned in disapproval but his annoyed curse turned into a moan when I darted my tongue out to lick over the tip of his penis.

I teased him by barely touching him for a while before I finally took him into my mouth completely. I sucked him and let my tongue swirl around his shaft while I simultaneously rubbed the parts of him I couldn't fit into my mouth. I was going slow and only stopped when I felt his cum shoot down my throat, making me choke for a second, before I could swallow it.

Bradley let out a satisfied sigh when I let him go and I licked my lips before getting up from my kneeling position to push him backwards and onto the bed. He plopped down on it holding his hands out to me. I let him gently trace my thighs as I stood between his legs and I let out a little moan when he grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezed them in his palms before he slapped one of them. I threw my legs over both sides of his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Let me make you feel good tonight." I whispered against his lips before I kissed him. The kiss was hot and passionate and when we pulled away we were both breathless. I started rolling my hips on top of him when I leaned back in for another kiss and felt him grab my hips tighter. I pushed him back into the bed and grabbed both of his hands to place them on the bed.

He looked a little helpless when I initiated that I didn't want him to touch or guide me and eventually just placed his hands under his head watching me. I kissed him again and rolled my body into his again, my clothed core pressing against his hard bulge under me. He groaned at the sudden contact and I placed a kiss on his neck before I sat up. I gently pulled my panties to the side and pumped him a few times in my hand before I slipped down onto him. I moaned at the feeling, placed both of my hands on his chest and started moving up and down on him.

Bradley rubbed his hands over his face when I picked up the pace and groaned. "I can't believe you won't let me touch you, fuck." He mumbled.

I smirked at him and threw my head back slightly. "Where would you touch me, huh?" I teased. "Tell me."

"God, fuck, okay. I would grab your ass and squeeze it before I'd give it a slap. I love your ass, it's perfect, fuck." He moaned when I changed my movements and now rolled my hips on top of him, allowing him to go even deeper.

I bit my bottom lip and grabbed one of my own ass cheeks. "Like that?" I asked before I squeezed it and gave it a hard slap.

Bradley groaned at the sight and nodded. "Fuck, you're so hot, baby."

"What else would you do to me?" I asked again.

"I'd rub that fucking beautiful pussy of yours to make you feel even better, god, fuck." He groaned, watching me as I ran my hand down my stomach and let my fingers rub over my bundle of nerves. I leaned back a bit to give him a better view and rubbed myself while riding him at the same time. He watched me intently and licked his lips. "Fuck, baby, you're going to drive me crazy."

I giggled and leaned down to kiss him again, moaning into his mouth when he started pushing up into me as well. "Didn't I say, don't move?" I tried but moaned again, letting him know I enjoyed it.

"When have I ever really listened to you?" He teased, making me slap his chest in a playful way. Bradley quickly sat up, leaning his back against the headboard and grabbed my waist, helping me move now. I let him guide me up and down on him as I grabbed onto his shoulders and dug my black nails into his skin, probably leaving red marks all over him. "You're so big, Bradley." I moaned, grabbing his neck and the small hairs at the back, gently pulling on them.

He kissed my neck and left his face in the crook of my neck, sucking on the skin, probably leaving a few marks behind. I didn't mind though, I loved it when he got territorial and marked me as his.

I moaned when I felt myself close in around him and he moved his hand to my front, rubbing my clit. I moved faster on top of him, also making him moan louder. "I'm so close, please, fuck." I cried out and threw my head back when I came all over him. He spilled into me as well and placed another kiss on my chest before moving up to my lips. I smiled through the kiss and then pulled away. "I was trying really hard to keep the control but you had to have it your way again, huh?" I teased, running my nails down his chest.

"I definitely enjoyed it while it lasted, you should take control more often." He said, placing another kiss on my lips. "I want to taste you, though." He said, pushing me off of his lap and onto the bed.

I gasped at the sudden change of position and grabbed his hair when he was in between my legs, faster than I could process. His tongue was moving through my folds expertly, his fingers pushed me apart a little and he flicked his tongue over my clit repeatedly. I was still very sensitive from my first orgasm and when he entered his fingers into me I didn't last too long until I came for the second time.

"Now I'm satisfied." He said, plopping down on the bed next to me. I giggled and rolled onto my side to cuddle into him. He draped a lazy arm around me and gently rubbed my shoulder with his fingers. The touch sent shivers down my body and I closed my eyes.

"How was your day now?" I asked after a minute of silence.

Bradley chuckled. "Very amazing. You know, I have this amazing girlfriend and she really makes me the luckiest man alive." He teased, pressing a kiss to my temple.

I grinned and looked up at him. "Really? I'd love to meet her." I joked back.

He smiled and brushed some hair out of my face. "You'd love her. She's beautiful and doesn't even have to try." He mumbled before kissing me again.

I really was that lucky, was I?

Hey ho :D decided to update this again today and give y'all the smut you've been asking for lol ^^ lemme know if y'all liked it?

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