best friends brother [5] (mature)

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Bradley and I both looked at each other when the door of my hotel room closed behind us and he slowly made his way towards me. His lips were on mine in a second and we only pulled away when we needed air. He leaned his forehead against mine and I brushed our noses together before I fully pulled away to look at him. I pushed some of his rather long hair out of his face and smiled.
"We have two more days left in paradise." I paused and noticed him let out a frustrated sigh at that. "Let's make the most out of it. Don't think about what happens afterwards. Please?" I let my lips brush against his and waited for his answer. I didn't try to seem desperate, even though I really was. I wanted him, more than I've wanted any other man before him. I was being ridiculous and I knew I'd only cause myself more heartache than necessary. I could've stopped right here and nothing would've happened but my hormones and heart got in the way, making irresponsible decisions for me.

"I'm not sure if meeting you was a blessing or a curse. I don't want to go back home if it means that I'll be without you." He confessed, making small tears form in my eyes.

"Neither do I." I paused. Everything was said between us through the way we looked at each other and touched.

"Please, kiss me." I whispered.

I didn't need to tell him twice and the second his lips met mine we both relaxed again. Bradley's hands moved to my back and he reached for the zipper, making me pull away. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him, gently placing my hands against his naked chest.

Bradley brushed the strap of my dress down my shoulder and the red fabric slid down my body, landing at my feet. Bradley's eyes wandered down to take me in and I blushed under his admiring gaze. "You're so beautiful. God." He said and kissed me again.

I pulled down the zipper of his pants and pushed them down his legs as well, leaving both of us in just our underwear. My bra came off in between heated kisses and moans and I hooked my fingers into his briefs, finally freeing him. Our touches and kisses turned more eager every minute and Bradley pushed me up against one of the walls, one of his hands around my neck to choke me a little. I was breathing heavily and shivered under his hungry gaze, gasping when he quickly ripped my panties apart and rubbed me.

"You're really perfect in every way, huh? How does that feel?" He asked, chuckling and I let out a strangled laugh at his silly comment.

I bit my lip and moaned when his fingers slipped into me. He moved them in and out of me slowly at first but his pace gradually increased while we kissed. "You're so wet." He mumbled, curling his fingers inside of me. "And so tight, fuck."

I moaned and grabbed his cock in my hand, gently rubbing him up and down to get him ready. "I need you." I choked out in between moans and harsh breaths.

"How could I ever say no to you?" He grabbed my hips and guided both of us over to the bed, gently laying me down on it. He spread my legs and stood between them, admiring me for a moment. His hands ran up and down my legs and he leaned down to kiss me again. Both of us moaned when he finally entered me and started moving.

He was big and filled me up completely, making me feel incredible. I held onto his arms as he held onto my legs. He pushed into me hard, his thrusts still very controlled.

"Bradley, fuck!" I moaned loudly, my back arching off of the bed. He increased his speed and spread my legs further apart, making it easier for him to go deeper.

"You're so hot." He said and slipped out of me to make me turn around. "Hold onto the bedpost and sit on your knees." He demanded and I did as told.

Bradley laid down under me and I cried out his name when I felt his tongue on me. He greedily licked me, flicked his tongue over my sensitive clit and sucked on it, not letting go for longer than a second. I moaned loudly and grabbed his hair in my fist, keeping him close to me. He felt so good, I could barely keep my eyes open at this point. "I'm so close." I announced and he grabbed my hips pushing me down his body. Bradley slid into me again in a swift movement, holding onto my hips to guide me up and down on him fast and hard. He knew exactly how to fuck me and what spots to hit to drive me over the edge.

I held onto his shoulders and rocked back and forth on top of him, riding him while neither of us tore our eyes off of the other. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." I breathed out and dug my nails into his skin.

Bradley gave my ass a harsh slap and grabbed it, guiding me and making me grind into him harder. "Cum for me, baby." He said and pushed into me faster.

I started shaking on top of him and threw my head back slightly when I felt myself clench in around him, his orgasm following right after. I leaned my forehead on his shoulder and caught my breath, while he was still holding me still on top of him.

When I slid off of him I rolled down onto the soft mattress and watched Bradley plop down next to me as well. Both of us stared at the ceiling in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company and the buzzing feeling our orgasms left behind in our bodies.

"This really is paradise." Bradley suddenly said, looking at me. I turned my head to look at him as well and smiled.

"It's quite perfect, yeah." I sighed. "I wish we could stay here forever."

Bradley pulled me towards him, making me cuddle into his side and pulled the thin sheets over us. "I believe that paradise is simply having you in my life, so it doesn't matter if we're 2300 miles apart or not. We'll always be connected somehow." He said and I smiled.

"You're quite charming, Cooper. How long did it take for you to come up with this little speech?" I joked.

He chuckled and started drawing circles on my back. "Thought about it all night! You better appreciate the effort."

I laughed and placed a kiss on his cheek, now leaning over him, our faces barely a few inches apart. I buried my fingers in his hair and played with it while we both just looked at each other with smiles on our faces. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this comfortable with another man and it amazed me how fast we'd connected. It felt like an eternity had passed and we'd known each other for years, when in reality it had only been a few days.

Bradley slowly leaned up and captured my lips in a soft kiss, rolling us over.

They're pretty darn cute, don't you think?

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