My Girls

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Bradley's POV:

It had been a few days without my girls and I was beyond excited to finally be back home. I couldn't wait to have them back in my arms, right where they belong.

I silently took off my coat and headed up the stairs of our house when I heard them in Lea's bedroom. I silently opened the door wider and watched them.

"So, the wizard aimed his wand at the frog and he turned into a prince!" Stefani said, pretending to hold a wand in her own hand as she tapped the frog plushie on its nose with her invisible wand.

Lea giggled. "He a pwince now?" She asked in her tired baby voice.

"Yes and he saves the princess and the kingdom." Stef finishes with a smile. "Now, go to sleep princess."

"I'm pwincess?" Lea asked, yawning.

Stef giggled and kissed her forehead, softly running her fingers over her tired face to make her close her eyes. "You're princess Lea, yes. And princesses need their beauty sleep!"

"Sweepy pwincess." Lea mumbled before she drifted off into a deep slumber.

I gently took a step into the room, finally making Stef look at me. She smiled widely and rushed towards me, her arms wrapping around my body in a tight hug. "You're back." She quietly said, resting her chin on my chest while smiling up at me. "I missed you." She mumbled before pressing a soft kiss on my clothed chest.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I smiled and guided us both out of Leas bedroom. She immediately intertwined our fingers and when we reached the bedroom I plopped down on it, pulling her on top of me. She laid her head on my chest and we both got comfortable in each other's arms. I softly dragged my fingers up and down her arm while her fingers drew circles on my chest.

"How was the trip?" She asked after a few minutes of enjoying each other's company in complete silence. It felt good to feel her body against mine again.

"Way too long for my liking." I mumbled, making her giggle. "Every second we're apart, our little family, is too much. I can't believe you're mine and when we're not together I tend to forget." I admitted, making her sit up a bit. She left her hand on my chest and propped herself up on an elbow to get a better look at my face.

"I miss you too, every single time. And Lea misses you too." She smiled, pushed some hair behind my ear and gently placed her lips on mine.

"Daddy!" We heard an excited, yet tired squeal before the tiny ball of sunshine jumped on the bed. We pulled apart with a laugh and I opened my eyes to greet the toddler. Her tiny arms could barely hold me, so she grabbed onto my shirt and buried her face into my neck. "Me and mommy missed you!" She said, smiling at me now.

"I missed the both of you too, baby." I chuckled, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Lea whined and wiped her cheek. "No, daddy!" She complained, making Stef laugh as well.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed, little princess?" She asked, tickling her side.

Lea squirmed and laughed at the touch and then shook her head. "I heard daddy's voice! I missed daddy." She said, wrapping her arms around my neck again in a protective hug.

"Can I sweep with daddy and you?" She then asked, yawning.

Stef smiled and rubbed her small back while Lea cuddled in between us. "Of course, baby girl." She said and brushed some messy strands of blonde curls out of her face.

I watched Stef and Lea get comfortable and draped my arm over Leas tiny body to let it rest on Stefani's hip. I gently squeezed it, rubbing the bit of exposed skin where her shirt had hiked up. "I love you." I whispered when I heard Leas breath get heavier.

Stef gave me a loving smile and intertwined our fingers. "I love you too."

And with that we all fell asleep, finally together again.

I'm uploading another short one later on today! Thought this one was kinda cute and I hope you like it as well :)

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