Blind Date [2]

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I groaned and lifted my foot off of the floor to slip my aching feet out of my heels. I now was even shorter next to Bradley as I looked up at him.

When the whole blind dating event was finally over we naturally found our ways back to each other and Bradley decided to walk me home since it was late and I lived close by. He was very smart and funny and cracked horrible jokes the whole way to my place, making me laugh most of the time. It felt good to be able to talk to someone without feeling like they just don't get it.

"Knock knock." He said, making me smile.

"Who's there?" I answered.

"Would you."

"Would you who?"

"Would you like to go on another date with me?" He asked, a grin on his face as we stopped in front of my house.

"You think you're really smooth, huh?" I teased, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

"Oh, I know I am." He joked back, making me giggle like a stupid high school girl. Get a grip, Stefani.

"Yes, I will go out with you, but only if I get to choose the restaurant." I searched my bag for the keys to my house and let them dangle around my finger once I did.

"Whatever you choose will be fine." He smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss on my cheek. I blushed, trying to hide it by quickly turning towards the door to unlock it.

"Goodnight Bradley." I said, opening to door for myself.

"Sweet dreams, Stefani." He smiled and with his hands buried in his pockets he left.


I groaned when I felt someone jump on my bed and threw the blanket over my head.

"You better tell me how the blind dates went!" Natali jumped up and down before jumping onto my body. I groaned as she pulled the blanket off of my face and I was met with an excited Natali and bright sunlight.

"I hated it." I grumbled and pushed her off of me before getting up and rushing towards the kitchen for some coffee. Natali ran after me with a questioning look and sat down in front of me at the kitchen table.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, what do you want to know?" I mumbled.

Natalis face lit up in excitement. "How many people did you meet?"

"Too many."

"More men or women?"

"Men. Unfortunately."


"Some of them were 70, Natali." I took a sip of my coffee and rubbed my temples.

"Gross." She paused. "Did you meet someone interesting though?" She wiggled her brows and I blushed, the thought of Bradley immediately making its way into my head. I innocently took another sip of my coffee and Natali gasped, pointing her finger at me. "You totally met someone! What's his name? Is it a man? I don't know, but tell me everything, oh my god, Stefani Joanne, you dirty whore!"

I laughed and shook my head. "Nothing happened, I don't even know him." I simply said and put the empty coffee cup in the sink.

"Bullshit, you were blushing so you like him. Tell me, before I have to force you to."

"His name is Bradley and he's so fucking hot, Natali." I buried my smiling face in my hands. Natali squealed and grabbed my arms, shaking me excitedly.

"How hot? On a scale of one to ten?"

"A solid 12." I grinned at her. She dramatically fanned herself with her hands.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting! What do you know about him?"

"Not much, he's really funny and smart and he listened to me when I talked and asked questions like he cared and that doesn't happen very often with men, you know? At least I didn't experience it yet." I said, smiling.

"And when will you see Bradley again?"

"Tomorrow. He asked me out." I squealed and Natali joined in, the both of us jumping around the kitchen.

I love Natali, she's honestly so beautiful and I thought I'd include her in this a bit more? It's obviously short but the next one will be smut 😌😌

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