things are happening 👀

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hello! Not an update but there's one coming later today 😝
I thought about doing one of those cute Instagram stories, where it's just fake insta posts and Gaga becomes friends and then the love interest of the other person. It would also be girlxgirl and I think some of y'all said they'd like a gay story?? It's less time consuming than writing whole 2000 word paragraphs and coming up with enough to say but still very cute and I would put effort into it, I promise 😂😂

anyway; would you like to read that?

I'm also working on another BradGa book that's more crime/romance and definitely very different from these ones in here and wild ride which is my other Bradga book (check it out if you haven't already 😜)


If you've got ANY requests for one shots for this book here: leave them here now. I've written almost everything you've sent me so far except for maybe one, so I need new suggestions and ideas! You can also DM me and if you wanna stay anonymous then tell me that too :)

also taking the time here now to thank all of you so so much for your support and the love you've shown me and this book! I can't believe we're at 33 THOUSAND readers!! That's such an insane number and I never would've thought I'd come even close to it, so thank you so much! I appreciate it a lot.

love, D.

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