best friends brother [2]

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Gloria held out her phone to me and showed me a restaurant they were interested in. I gave the screen a quick look before I let out a sigh. "I don't think I should join you guys for dinner. Restaurants aren't exactly the safest spots for me." I shrugged.

"Oh, but we can sit in the back and hide a little." Holly offered.

I shook my head and pointed at the pictures they had pulled up on their phones. "I don't want you to miss out on getting the window view of the beach, just because I'll be on full display for the paparazzi." I shrugged. "I'll grab some dinner at the hotel and stay in."

"I'm not letting you have dinner all alone." Bradley suddenly spoke up after having been silent for a while. My head snapped towards him in surprise and Gloria and Holly shot each other questioning looks. "Mom and Holly can sit at the window and we'll sit in the back. That way they'll have their beach experience and you won't be alone." He offered.

"Since when are you this nice to people?" Holly asked, teasingly. Bradley rolled his eyes at his sister and threw the sticky tissue at her, earning a squeal from her.

"I really just want to tick off 'having dinner with Lady Gaga' of my bucket list." He joked, shooting me a grin.

I giggled. "Oh? I'm on your bucket list? What an honor." I joked back. "You don't have to-"

"I want to. So it's set?" He looked at his mom who was already dialing the restaurants number to make reservations for us.

I mouthed a 'thank you' at Bradley who gave me a quick wink before his mom hung up the phone.

This man would make vacation a lot more interesting to me than I thought...


I gave my reflection another quick glance and smiled. I suddenly was very thankful for Frederic who pushed me to pack a nice dress. It was rather low cut and very tight but I knew it would drive Bradley absolutely insane, which was the goal. Teasing him a bit wasn't too bad, right?

I brushed over the soft fabric and grabbed my purse, taking the elevator down to the lobby where we'd agreed to meet.

When the doors opened I immediately found them standing there, neatly lined up, already waiting for me. Gloria and Holly looked absolutely stunning in their own dresses and I let my eyes linger on Bradley a bit longer than appropriate. He just looked too good in his suit. His lips were slightly parted as he took in my appearance as well while I walked towards them. Gloria and Holly greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and then walked ahead. I gently grabbed Bradley's bow tie and adjusted it, placing my fingers under his chin and softly pushing his mouth closed with a smirk on my face. "Come on, cowboy." I patted his chest once and then followed the other two women outside. It took Bradley another second to follow us and I felt sort of accomplished at that. It felt nice to know that someone was interested in me like that since it's been a while. Men usually got scared of me and my social status and didn't even dare to talk to me but Bradley didn't shy away from showing me that he found me sexy and that made him even more attractive to me in return.

I noticed a few paparazzi scurried around the hotel but they couldn't get to us fast enough since Glorias car was parked right in front of the hotel and we were inside of it as fast as possible.

Bradley held the door open for me like the gentleman I had already assumed he was and did the same for his mother and sister as well, getting in last. We were both in the back and I glared at Holly who occasionally wiggled her brows at me and formed hearts with her fingers to tease us.

"Really mature, Holly!" Bradley joked, laughing at her making kissing sounds.

When we arrived at the restaurant the waiter guided Holly and Gloria to a beautiful table by the windows and they thanked me again for calling the restaurant and handling it all after Gloria wasn't lucky enough and I waved them off. It wasn't really a big deal to me.

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