high school sweetheart [1]

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I thought about attaching pictures that fit the way I imagine Gaga to look like in the beginning or maybe in the middle somewhere when she changes and it makes sense? What do you think? Would you be interested in seeing that or not?

This is an AU. Both Bradley and Stefani are teenagers in this! :)

Bradley's POV:

His fist collided with my nose, then my jaw. I could feel the blood gushing out of my nose and held it, groaning out in pain. With just one more punch it went all black.


I blinked a few times and looked around the room I was in. Stefani Joanne was sitting at the foot of the nurses bed. Her soft brown hair was tucked behind her ear and she held a book in her hands, skimming the page with her green eyes. She bit down on her bottom lip, her forehead creased in concentration. She was beautiful and she didn't even try.

I moved a bit and her head immediately snapped into my direction. A small smile came over her lips and she put the book away, hopping off of the bed and coming to my side. "You're awake! How are you feeling?" She asked in a caring tone.

"As if someone punched me in the face." I simply said, making her giggle. "Why are you here? As far as I can remember, it was your boyfriend who caused this." I said, slowly sitting up. I groaned at the pain in my head and blinked a few more times to regain correct sight.

"He's not my boyfriend, he just wishes he was my boyfriend. I was worried about you. He had no right to punch you and I feel like it was my fault he did." She said, tucking her hair behind her ear again. It was something I noticed she did quite a lot.

"It's not your fault, he's an asshole." I rolled my eyes and gave her a smile.

Stefani was beautiful. She was the kind of girl everyone either wanted to be or wanted to date. She was nice to everyone, took care of important school events, she was smart and talented. I've had a crush on her since we were both kids. Our mothers were kind of like best friends. They went to brunch and the book club together on Wednesday's. That's usually when Stefani and I hung out.

"It's my fault I didn't say anything when I had the chance to. You're my friend and I should protect you." She said, sighing.

I shrugged. "It's okay, he's kind of scary. I wouldn't have saved you either." I teased and Stefani scoffed, hitting me on the arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I held my arms up and we both laughed.

Stefani looked at me, her eyes were shiny from the lights in the room, her cheeks were a rose color from laughing and her lips were curved up into a smile. I didn't think I could fall for her any more but I did, right there and then.

We didn't say anything for a while until Stefani cleared her throat and turned around. "We should go, I don't want to miss English class." She said, hurrying out of the room and out into the hallways. I followed her, not wanting to walk out there by myself and felt stares on me. I hoped not too many people knew about the fight but chances were high everyone did. It was a small school and rumors got around fast. Especially the bad ones.

"Bradley dude! Is it true that Jace punched you because you're fucking Stefani?" One of my friends, Lucas, said.

I widened my eyes. "No! Who told you that?" I asked, looking at Stefani who had a shocked expression on her face as well.

"That's what Jace has been telling everyone. He said he punched you because you fucked Stefani."

Stefani looked at me with a questioning look and I shrugged. "I swear I didn't say that, I just said that you'd rather be with me than with him!"

Stefani groaned. "That's such an immature thing to do Bradley! Why would you say that?"

She was clearly mad at me and I started sweating. Fuck, I didn't like it when she got mad at me. "Because he said he's gonna try something on you in the most disgusting way and I needed to say something, I didn't think!"

"You clearly didn't." She rolled her eyes and left me standing there. I yelled after her but she didn't stop so I let out a sigh and went to my own class.

I hated school 😂 are you still in school?

I don't know if the next few chapters will include much smut or will be long at all because one of my pets passed away tonight and I don't think I'll be able to write much :( I'm sorry!

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