Damn, you were in my sexxx dreams (mature)

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I forgot this book existed for a moment. This is also unedited and I don't remember writing any of this so 😳✌🏻 enjoy haha

Even though I absolutely hated Bradley Cooper with a passion - he was annoying, rude and cocky - I couldn't deny the curiosity that came with him. He was attractive and he knew it, mysterious and powerful. When Bradley entered the room, he entered it. Everyone could sense him, smell him even. It was as if his aura captivated everyone he came in contact with, male and female, no exceptions.

He was on magazine covers, on television, on every single social media platform and I couldn't possibly escape his stupidly handsome face, even if I tried to, so I did the next logical thing: I set an appointment with him. That proved to be way harder than I initially thought it would be because he wasn't just attractive, he was also super successful and therefore extremely busy all the time, but they managed to squeeze me in.

I used a lame magazine story as an excuse, even though I was just an intern and didn't really care about the job at all. I didn't even like my boss or any of my co workers but it gave me an opportunity to finally get close to him and see what all the fuss was about. Maybe then I would be able to rest and sleep peacefully again at night without having wet dreams like a hormonal teenage girl. It was truly embarrassing.

I hadn't been nervous when I woke up that morning and I hadn't been nervous the whole time I was sat inside of the waiting room at his office building but I was nervous now. The only thing that disconnected Bradley Cooper and I was the wooden door that lead straight into his office. What was I even doing here? What did I want from this man?

I rolled my eyes and shook the nerves off and then knocked. When I didn't get an answer I simply walked in to find his office empty. I raised an eyebrow and stepped inside even though I probably should've waited outside. I was too curious to do so though, so I shut the door behind me and looked around the office. There weren't many pictures up and those were only paintings by famous artists. His computer was on standby and the table neat and organized. I didn't really expect any less of him. Despite his cheeky and cocky persona, he seemed rather professional which was what drew me to him as well.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Miss Germanotta."

I gasped and quickly turned to find Bradley by another door that obviously led into a second part of the office. He slowly shut that door and walked towards his desk.

"I'm an adrenaline junky." I simply shrugged and eyed him. He was much bulkier and taller than I'd imagined him to be. None of the magazine covers, pictures or televised interviews did him any justice.

"Is that so?" He chuckled and walked over to me. Before I could react he'd taken my folder out of my hands and flipped through it. "I'm not a big fan of interviews." He paused. "Especially when they're done by interns."

I scoffed and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Why did you agree to this one then?"

"I googled you and you're pretty." He gave me a cheeky side grin and placed the folder on his desk. "Your questions are all pretty basic. You could've easily just googled these and would've gotten your answers, so why are you really here, Miss Germanotta?"

I gently tilted my head to the side a little and eyed him up and down. He was much smarter than I assumed he was. Of course, he had to be to run this business but he could also read people really well.

I wasn't shy and I didn't have to be. I was attractive and successful so far. I was smart and I knew what I wanted and usually got it too. And right now? I wanted him. "I don't like how cocky you are and I absolutely hate that you know how attractive you are." I rolled my eyes.

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