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Stefani rushed around the living room, brushing the dust off of some furniture with a feather duster, while she hummed along to a song that was playing on the radio.

After the virus broke out, she decided to stay home completely to not only stay safe herself but to not risk possibly getting others sick by being irresponsible as well. It has barely been a day and she's already cleaned the whole house and baked two cakes. She wasn't used to staying in all day with nothing to do.

When there was a loud knock on the door she turned the volume of her music down and slid over the shiny wooden floor to the door on her fluffy socks. She looked down at what she was wearing which wasn't much more than an oversized band shirt and some panties but shrugged. She'd worn less before.

She quickly unlocked the door and opened it a tiny bit, smiling widely when she saw it was Bradley. When she opened the door wider she noticed the bags in his hands. "Hey! What are you doing here?" She smiled, letting him inside.

"I can't let you quarantine on your own, so we're gonna quarantine together." He said, slipping out of his shoes and jacket.

Stefani giggled and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "You're insane. What about your family?"

Bradley chuckled. "They've had me their whole lives. I think they'll cope." He paused to look down at his best friend. She looked stunning again, but that wasn't surprising to him at all. She was just naturally stunning all the time, no matter how much or little effort she put into her appearance. He preferred her without any make up and crazy costumes anyway, so seeing her with her messy hair, just a shirt on, fluffy socks and no make up on her face felt like heaven to him. "I brought snacks, movies and that sweater of mine that you like to wear all the time. I washed it for you." He smiled and followed her into the neat living room.

"You're honestly my savior, Bradley. You've got no idea. I've been bored out of my mind!" She complained, with an eye roll.

Bradley laughed at her and pulled his blue sweater out of his bag, handing it to her. She quickly buried her face into the soft cotton fabric and inhaled the freshly washed scent of it. She loved the way his laundry detergent smelled, because it was so different from hers and smelled just like him when she hugged him. "You're such a little drama queen. It's barely been a day so far." He said.

Stefani stuck her tongue out to him and slipped the sweater over her shirt, happily jumping onto the couch next to him when she was done. He loved the way she looked in his clothes. They seemed to almost swallow her whole because of how tiny she was in comparison to him.

"I missed you. How was work this week?" She asked, cuddling into his side.

"It was good. Very stressful though. I had to get up before dawn on Wednesday to be at an interview and didn't get much sleep so I'm glad this week is over. Can't wait to quarantine with you and just relax and sleep in." He let out a happy sigh.

She looked up at him and giggled when he placed a finger on the bridge of her nose and dragged it down, smiling at the way she scrunched her nose adorably. "The Jackson Maine in you just came through again." She teased.

"I'm pretty sure I am much cooler than Jackson." Bradley said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to keep her close.

"Uh, I don't know. He is pretty damn cool." She teased, squealing when Bradley's other hand moved to her side, tickling her.

"You know damn well that I'm the cooler one!" He said, watching her squirm in his grasp. She laughed loudly and tried to get away from him but it was obviously impossible to fight him off. He was much stronger than her, she didn't stand a chance.

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