best friends brother [1]

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I let the bright and warm sun of the Caribbean beach engulf me in a comforting hug as I closed my eyes and listened to the people around me enjoying their vacation as much as I did. I loved the feeling of sand between my toes, the water against my skin and for some reason, ice cream just tasted better at the beach.

Holly, a nice girl and by now close friend I met on vacation tapped my shoulder once, smiling when I turned towards her. "You wanna join me and my family for lunch? My mom packed enough for an entire football team." She joked, pointing at some people further away from us.

I hesitated for a moment. I wasn't too great with new people even though I should be, given my job. If they were as nice as Holly though, I had nothing to lose so I nodded and followed her towards their large towel.

Her mother smiled brightly at me and immediately handed me a packed sandwich. "I'm Gloria, it's nice to finally meet Holly's new best friend." She chirped happily. I giggled and sat down on the towel next to her.

"It's very nice to meet you too, I'm Stefani. Thank you for letting me join." I gave her a warm smile and unwrapped the sandwich. I didn't realize how hungry I really was until now.

"Where's Brad?" Holly asked her mom. That must be her older brother she told me about then. Gloria simply shrugged for an answer. "Oh, there he is!" Holly waved him towards us and I almost choked on my sandwich.

That was her brother?! He looked like a fucking god in his low rise swimming shorts. His body was still wet from the water and he had a small smile on his lips when he reached us. He placed a quick kiss on his mother's head and then sat down on the towel as well. I couldn't tear my eyes off of him and the sandwich suddenly felt oddly dry in my mouth.

Water. I needed water.

The second my hand reached for the water though, Bradley did the same and I blushed when our fingers touched. I almost jumped away at the electric feeling I got at the simple graze. Bradley's eyes landed on me and he eyed me up and down for the first time before he unscrewed the cap of the water bottle and held it out for me. I couldn't get a single word out so I took it with a thankful nod and took a few sips.

"Bradley is the weird one of the family." Holly rolled her eyes at her brothers silence, making me giggle a little.

Bradley chuckled and I swear I'd never heard something this beautiful. "Not as weird as you, Hol. I didn't force Lady Gaga to join our family for lunch while she's probably trying to relax."

I laughed and shook my head with a smile. "No! I actually am glad you asked me to join! I'm alone and having some company is nice." I shot Gloria another smile of appreciation.

I noticed Bradley's eyes on me but decided not to look at him. Instead I engaged myself into another conversation with Holly and her mom, laughing and eating for seemingly hours. They were a nice, little family and I enjoyed their company and the fact that they didn't care about what I did for a living. In fact, they told me about their lives instead of begging me to tell them about mine. It was nice to not be the center of attention for a while.

Bradley didn't really talk much. He sometimes hummed in approval or smiled but seemed too busy eyeing me the whole time to actually care about the conversation we were having. I sometimes looked his way as well, but who could really blame me when he was out here looking like he did. I blushed whenever he caught me and he smirked, probably proud at how interested in him I was.

"I'll get us some ice cream." Gloria announced. Holly jumped up as well, clapping excitedly at the mention of ice cream.

"I'll join! What do you guys want?" She asked.

"Strawberry." Both Bradley and I said at the same time and Holly giggled, winking at me before they both left us alone.

I blushed a little at the sudden silence. "So...what do you do for a living?" I asked him to break the awkward silence.

"Why do you care?" He asked, shrugging.

I smiled. "Just curious."

"I work at a car repair shop and apply for acting roles on the side. I'd like to play a role in a movie but had no luck so far." He paused. "You probably don't know how that feels."

I rolled my eyes but smiled at his assumption. "Assuming things about me already, huh?" I smirked. "I've performed in dive bars since I was 14 and it took me a while to get where I am now, so I do actually know how it feels. Your time will come. You just can't give up." I popped another blueberry into my mouth.

Bradley smiled and our attention was on Holly and Gloria again when they handed us our ice cream cones. I happily licked at the dripping dessert, loving how cool it felt on my tongue.

I felt Bradley's eyes burn holes into me as he watched me lick my ice cream and he took in a sharp breath when some of it dropped on my chest. I giggled at my clumsiness but decided to play with him when I noticed what it did to him.

A little fun never hurt nobody, right?

I leaned forward a bit more, giving Bradley a perfect view of my cleavage and caught the drop of ice cream between my boobs on my finger. I slowly dragged my finger up and placed it on my tongue, sucking on it before I let it go with a pop, right when I looked into Bradley's blue, glossy eyes.

His own ice cream was currently melting down his own hand and I shot him a playful smile before I held out a tissue to him. He slowly snapped out of his trance and noticed what I was referring to. With a low growl, a few silent curses and a blush creeping up his neck, he took the tissue from me and cleaned up his hand.

Luckily Gloria and Holly were too busy scrolling through possible diners to have dinner at on google to notice what had happened between Bradley and I.

This will be a fun little vacation story with lots of smut 😌 hope you're ready!

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