Barnes & Nobles

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It was the 22nd of December and everyone had time off from work to be able to spend time with their families during Christmas.

The only problem I had was finding presents for my family and friends. Nothing ever seemed good enough and even though spending time with them should've been enough I found myself spending more time away from them to find presents than with them. Sarah had been calling me all day and Bradley had texted me about 70 times about something work related but I couldn't seem to get back to anyone.

I roamed around seemingly endless shelves of books to find a good one for Natali when someone walked up behind me and stopped. I turned my head to look at the intruder and stared right into Bradley's glaring ocean blue eyes.

"I thought you died or something." He complained to me with that annoyed look on his face that he always got whenever I pissed him off, which was quite often lately. I wasn't the easiest person to be friends with to be fair. Especially since we were also business partners working on a movie together, which wasn't always easy.

"How did you find me anyway?" I asked, not even acknowledging his anger towards me. I grabbed another book and started reading the back of it when Bradley ripped it out of my hand and glared at me again.

"There's Paparazzi and fans outside." He motioned towards the glass windows where people were pushing each other to get a better look at me. I had been so into my present search that I hadn't even noticed them.

"Oh." I said. "Give me my book back, please." I held my hand out and he shook his head.



"No." He glared at me. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared back now.

"I don't have the time for your stupid games now. I need to find the last presents for my family." I explained, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor.

"My stupid games? What was that stupid stunt you pulled with Dan last night, huh?" He snapped, clearing his throat when he noticed he was overstepping.

"What I do in my free time is none of your business, Bradley. As far as I know you've found yourself a new model girlfriend as well, so fuck off." I snapped back, grabbing the book out of his hands and reading the back of it again so I wouldn't have to look at him anymore. How dare he accuse me of being stupid simply because he didn't have the balls to ask me out when I've been dropping hints the whole time and decided to move on or at least have my own fun in the meantime. Stupid asshole.

"She's not my girlfriend. I just fucked her." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, that makes it better." I mumbled, before I put the book away and grabbed a new one to check out. I knew Natali liked romance novels but none of them sounded realistic or appealing to me. Maybe they weren't supposed to.

"Could you look at me for a second?" He whined, pushing the book down with his palm covering the text on it. I rolled my eyes once again before I looked up at him, an annoyed look on my face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

Bradley sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. We've been fighting a lot more lately and I know that's mainly my fault. You're my best friend, Stef." Ouch. "And I don't want to lose you. I'm just worried about you and our movie."

Of course, he had to mention the movie. He was great at being sweet one moment and ruining it by playing his emotions down the next.

"If you're worried about the movie then I can assure you that whatever's going on between us won't affect it. I'm a professional, I know how to distinguish real life from work." I said in a cold tone and walked to another shelf. Bradley followed me like a lost puppy and I just wished he'd go away at this point.

"I don't understand why you're so mad at me." He said. Was he fucking serious?

"Of course you don't." I mumbled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked again.

I turned towards him and gave him a fake smile. "Please, spare me the waste of time and just leave. I'll be at work in the morning to go over whatever you want to work on." I said and pushed at his chest to make him get the hint that I didn't want him here.

He simply huffed in frustration and then left.


The next day I was on my way to work like I'd promised. I wasn't excited in the slightest and when I walked through the doors to find absolutely nobody on set I was more than annoyed.

"Bradley?" I yelled and groaned when I got no answer. I walked to his trailer and knocked on the door, opening it when I still got no answer. I stopped in the door way and stared at the candles lit on the table. There was pasta on two plates and some red wine in glasses next to them. Bradley appeared next to the table and then walked towards me.

"I'm sorry." He started talking, making me look at him. He was dressed in a simple white shirt and jeans but I could see that he still put some more effort into his appearance than he usually did. "I can be a real jerk and I tend to say the wrong things every time, but the truth is that you just make me incredibly nervous." He paused.

I raised an eyebrow at his confession. Bradley took another step towards me and grabbed both of my hands in his. "I really don't want to upset you or lose you, ever. I think you're remarkable and so insanely beautiful, Stef and I fell in love with you." He softly said the last part and waited for my reaction.

I bit back a smile and looked down at our hands. His hands were shaking and I noticed just how nervous he was. "Took you fucking long enough, dumbass." I said, finally grinning at him. He let out a deep breath and chuckled a bit, before he cupped one of my cheeks in his hand.

"Was that a yes?" He asked.

"To what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To being my girlfriend."

"Let me think about it." I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Stef." He warned. He was cute when he got nervous.

"Just kiss me." I said and smiled when he finally did.

Hope you liked it 😌 remember to send me recommendations on what you want me to write about!!🙏🏻💗

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