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Stefani awoke to a loud crashing sound and jumped up into a seated position inside of her hotel room bed. Her eyes immediately wandered around the room to see where the sound came from before she noticed the wild storm outside. Another loud and roaring thunder sound blasted through the room and she immediately felt the panic rush through her body.

Stefani had always been afraid of thunderstorms, ever since she was little and usually her parents would comfort her or a friend or partner and she wasn't used to being alone in a room at night, without anyone being able to comfort her now.

Bradley and her had been on press tour for a few weeks now and rented out the entire upper level of the hotel for the team, which meant that there was more than enough space for everyone to sleep in their own beds.

Her eyes landed on the door that connected hers and Bradley's rooms and she wondered if he was asleep or awake as well. There was no way anyone would be able to sleep during this, right?

She quickly threw the heavy blanket off of her body and tiptoed towards his door. She hesitated for a moment before another lighting bold illuminated the room in its light. She quickly opened the door, slipped into his room and then shut the door behind herself as well.

Bradley was comfortably sprawled out on his bed, only dressed in his boxers, but she wasn't wearing much more than a big shirt and her panties as well. She nervously walked towards his bed and hesitated for a moment before she carefully made her way into the bed, crawling underneath the covers. When she was inside, she uncomfortably shifted around, her eyes lingering on Bradley's toned and naked back.

Bradley's eyes opened at the movement in his bed next to him and when he saw the rain splattering against the window and heard the low rumble of the clouds above them he remembered the day Stefani told him she was scared of thunderstorms. He slowly turned around to find her staring at him with wide, childlike eyes. He gave her a warm smile and opened his arms for her.

She immediately relaxed and made her way into his embrace. "I'm sorry for waking you up." She whispered, hugging his body close to hers. His skin felt exceptionally good and warm against her cheek and hands and she wished she could stay there forever.

Bradley loved the position they were in very much himself. Stefani just fit into his arms perfectly and there was no one else out there who would be able to compare to the feeling of her.

He smiled and placed a soft kiss on top of her messy bed hair. "It's absolutely fine, beautiful. I'm always here whenever you need me." He mumbled, drawing soft circles on her arm.

Stefani shivered at his touch and words and bit her lip with a smile, looking up at him. "You're amazing, do you know that?" She asked.

"Heard of it." Bradley joked, gently tickling her side. "Are you still scared?" He asked right when the thunderstorm reached its peak.

She looked out to the window, her head lifted off of his chest now and her hand on it, helping her sit up a little. Her face was hovering above his, the small strands of hair that had fallen into it, tickling Bradley's cheeks. When he noticed her body tense up again, he grabbed her chin between his thumb and pointer finger, guiding her face to look at him.

When her scared eyes met his she noticed how close their faces were and neither one of them dared to breathe for a moment. "I'm sorry." She whispered again, but didn't move away.

Bradley's eyes wandered along her face, eventually resting on her lips. As if on cue Stefani leaned in closer and eliminated the space between them. Bradley's hands moved to her hips when she threw one of her legs over his body, straddling him. Her hand that was previously on his chest moved up behind his neck to push him closer to her, deepening the kiss they shared.

When they pulled away to catch their breaths,
Stefani whined at the loss of contact, instantly earning a reaction from Bradley who grew painfully hard. The noises this woman made with her voice should've come with a warning. She was just so incredibly sexy. "Fuck, sorry." He mumbled.

Instead of pulling away to let him cool down she applied more pressure to him and started rolling her hips into his, the friction of it causing Bradley to let out a groan. His fingertips dug into her hips further, keeping her in place. "Don't. If you keep moving we'll both do something we might regret in the morning." He said, looking up at her face.

"You're right." She sighed, getting off of him again to lay down next to him. "I wouldn't have regretted it though." She said after a while.

Bradley's face turned towards her. "What about Christian?" He rose a brow at her. She simply let out a laugh and then looked at him as well.

"Christian? We haven't spoken to each other in weeks and every time we try it ends up in a fight." She shrugged. "I'm just waiting for this press tour to be over so I can break up with him in person." She confessed, her sad eyes ogling the diamond engagement ring on her finger. "I'm complaining over here while you and Irina are already broken up. How is that going?" Stefani asked, rolling onto her side to get a better look at Bradley who did the same.

He let out a heavy sigh before he shrugged his shoulders once. "Weird. She won't talk to me when we're alone but acts all fine when the lawyers are around. It's also weird not having Lea around the house all the time since she stays with Irina most of the time." He explained.

Stefani extended her hand out to brush her fingers over his chest in a comforting way. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you miss her a lot. Especially while you're away."

Bradley nodded. "Even though the pregnancy wasn't planned and our situation wasn't ideal, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me." He smiled, intertwining their fingers. He looked down at their joined hands and then back up at Stefani who had a small smile on her lips as well.

"You'll see her soon. We only have three more days to go."

"Yeah." He mumbled. He couldn't tear his eyes off of her. She looked irresistible in the moonlight, right after he'd kissed her still swollen lips. Her cheeks were still flushed and her hair even messier than it was before. If he didn't know better he'd think she was an actual angel sent to him from heaven. "I wouldn't regret anything either, by the way." He finally confessed.

"I know, but it's not right." She smiled at him. "I'm not a cheater. Never will be."

Bradley nodded. "I know, that's why I admire you so much. I don't think you've got a single bad bone inside of your body."

"You haven't had a taste of my italian temperament yet." She joked, making him laugh.

"Would love to get to know that side of you." He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "One day I will." He whispered.

Stefani nodded and closed her eyes, suddenly growing sleepy. "Oh, you will." She mumbled.

"Good night." Bradley whispered, also closing his eyes.

"Night." Stefani mumbled as they both fell into a deep slumber with smiles on their faces, dreaming about the day they'll finally get to be with each other.

A short one since I can't seem to write atm, I'm so tired wow 😩 sorry!!

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