Broken heart pt.2

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Iskall's communicator lit up with a message from Grian,

-Iskall... come over please...- 

"Grian, what do you need now?" Iskall sighed as he looked up from his Redstone and put on his elytra, pulled out some rockets and took up in the direction of Grian's base.

Grian in the other hand was still in his base thinking through what had happened, Mumbo isn't usually like this he thought to himself, what if it's like a potion or something? he though and he hear rockets and crowed back next to the the wall afraid that it was Mumbo, but instead of Mumbo, Iskall came in and was looking for him,

"Grian? you called me over?" Iskall yell in his base still looking for the hiding grian,

"Iskall?" Grian asked with a small voice,

"Grian! there you are! wait, why are you laying on the floor and why are you black and blue?

"uh, Iskall sit, "Grian instructed as he sits up and patted the floor next to him mentioning to Iskall.

"you better explain this," Iskall said as he sat down next to Grian

"well have you seen Mumbo recently?" Grian asked

"umm I was with him when we had a meeting with ConCorp, why?" Iskall asked, Grian instead of answering the question asked,

"what happened? did he drink anything, eat anything?" 

"I'm not sure but he said he was hungry and Cub offered him cake I think, why would you ask that? you still need to tell me why you are like this grian. oh. did Mumbo do this?" Iskall asked now standing up and pulling out a triaden and was about to take off to Mumbo's base.

"NO, no Iskall come back, don't go yet, I'm not done!" Grian said,

"hurry up and tell me befor I go and kill Mumbo!" Iskall said as he sat back down. 

time skip brought to you by, I'm so bored and have nothing to do.

"and he just left me here," Grian said finishing his story, and now he's sobbing again.

"Grian this does not help my urge to kill Mumbo, it's making it worse," Iskall said as he stands up again.

"ugh, Iskall! don't you get it? I think the ConCorp Cake hae something to do with this!" Giran said as he stands up again with much difficulties

"your right!" Iskall said, "We should head to ConCorp and ask them for the recipe they used for the cake!"

"Yeah, let's go," Grian said as he puts on his elytra and pulled out some rockets and they both take off to ConCorp.

hey yap peeps! so today is suppose to be my skool's homecoming and it's always outdoor and like it's kind of storming right now outside... and the teachers are like, you guys have study hall now, have fun! *inhale* *exhale* at least I can write some wattpad so... I guess it's ok. bye peeps! might have the last part of the story up today too!

-Bored Stuffy :)

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